White House calls birther questions a 'distraction' By Associated Press POSTED: 08:54 a.m. HST, Apr 26, 2011 Share19221 Comments This file image shows the certificate of live birth issued by the state of Hawaii for Barack Obama. Associated Press A birth announcement from Aug. 13, 1961 in the Honolulu Advertiser states a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama on Aug. 4, 1961. Associated Press The name Barack Hussain Obama II is seen highlighted in a computer generated birth index from 1960-1964 in a Hawaii State government binder held at the State Department of Health in Honolulu. Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth. Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public. (AP Photo/Marco Garcia) More Photos WASHINGTON >> The White House says questions about President Barack Obama's birth certificate are an unfortunate distraction when so many other serious issues like high gas prices are bedeviling the country. Press Secretary Jay Carney said in response to a reporter's questions Tuesday that most Americans "would be appalled" that White House officials are spending any time discussing Obama's birth certificate given numerous other problems to contend with. Obama was born in Hawaii and has released a state certification of his birth. Yet significant numbers of Republican voters continue to question whether Obama is truly a natural-born citizen qualified to serve as president. The doubts have been publicized recently by real estate mogul Donald Trump as he mulls over a run for the GOP presidential nomination.

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  • No amount of birth certificates will prove that Pres. Obama was born in the United States. The so called "birthers" are correct. Obama was born in a foreign country ( to the United States)- the occupied Kingdom of Hawai'i Nei !
    • Hi,


      another thing for sure is that OBAMA was Not a descendant of the Buffalo Soldiers.............being that he's a descendant of those who CAPTURED and enslaved his own kind!..............aloha.


      • fyi:


        April 27, 2011 at 10:01:36

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        BO BC = Birthers STFU? No. Expect More MM

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        By Rob Kall (about the author)       Page 1 of 1 page(s)
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        Barack Obama (BO) has released the long form of his birth certificate (BC.) Horrors! He's actually an American citizen. It's time for the birther moronidiots to shut the f*ck Up, including birther Donald the clown. But they won't. We are in for more big stupid, or as I designated in my headline's equation, MM, or mega-moronics..
        RNC Chair Reince Priebus blames Obama for paying attention to the birth, saying, "...his campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority, our economy." Such disingenuous talk proves that the GOP and the Republican party are, from the top down, birther-brained. 
        David Gregory obseverved, on MSNBC, "Chairman Priebus was both high minded and low minded at the same time."
        This creates a problem for the birthers. What new, thinly veiled approach to pandering to and encouraging racism will they come up with next?
        My guess is that in the coming days, Obama's family will be attacked-- Michelle, their two daughters. 
        The haters who comprise such a large percentage of the right will find new ways to manifest their hate, their intolerance, their outrage that a black man is president, a black family is in the White House. 
        The TV shows Obama putting his arm behind Michelle's waist. She's wearing an orange jacket. I watch them, thinking, "how will the bigots spin his touch?"  She has a tight fitting print blouse. "How will the haters turn an innocent piece of clothing into something ugly?" You can take almost anything and make accusations around it. That's what they'll do. Even Preibus's accusation is a dishonest, low, not minded, but low integrity response.
        To me, the Obama White House's timing on releasing the birth certificate is smart. The adults in the country, particularly among independents, will now see how the birthers and the Birther panderers, like Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Michele Bachmann respond. Expect them to stay on message, repeating the meme chairman Priebus has put out, blaming Obama for the distraction. 
        But also, expect the 2012 campaign to be even more youtubey than ever. Shots of birthers in full florid display WILL be used. 
        Frank Zappa talked about how stupid is even more prevalent in the universe than hydrogen. The long form Obama birth certificate has eliminated the strange attractor powers of the questions of Obama's birth. Now the stupids, temporarily cast adrift, will be in a strange limbo until the corpstream media and word-meisters and necon think tanks come up with another attractor for them to, like lemmings, glom onto. This will soon come to pass. My guess is that Donald Trump will play a role. The clown gets around.
        About the title. I couldn't resist the STFU thought. Making an equation seemed to take some of the edge out of it. 


        Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of OpEdNews.com, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, more...)

        The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
        and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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          8 comments  Post Comment

          I Say....
          let them blather...by releasing the certificate puts them in the controlling seat much like they did to him during the campaign about that stupid lapel flag....he responded quickly, however, I never saw McCain wear one but nothing was said.
          As for this certificate I believe it was mentioned a couple years ago and their response was it was not an original or something to that effect...
          The really sad thing about all of this is that the Corporate Media Propagandists delight in making a huge thing of it while the things that matter (the fleecing of our treasury, the decay of our Constitution and our Democracy, etc.) go unreported....
          BTW... has Obama been circumcised?

          by Dennis Kaiser (8 fans, 32 articles, 47 quicklinks, 45 diaries, 1369 comments [989 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:23:52 AM

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          Reply: LOL! Good 'un! n/t

          by Nikk Katzman (2 fans, 0 articles, 28 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 207 comments [205 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 3:17:30 PM

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          I'd like to see the birth certificate
          Where is it.

          The people that challenge that Obomem isn't a citizen claim it is his adoption by an Indonesian that disqualifies him, but I still don't see a birth certificate, not that I stay up nights waiting to see it.

          by Mike Preston (4 fans, 0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 692 comments [423 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:42:19 AM

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          Reply: er
          Can you prove he was adopted, Mike?

          And even if he was, he still wouldn't have lost his NBC status.

          Face facts, my friend. You have lost. Be good about it.

          by J. Edward Tremlett (3 fans, 38 articles, 4 quicklinks, 210 diaries, 1104 comments [365 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:13:05 PM

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          The Way I See It

          I can understand your ambivalence in this as the document shown does not state "Birth Certificate", but rather "Certificate of Live Birth." This can be very confusing for who are thwarted by narrow mindedness.


          At this point in time, however, one could heed the words spoken after the US Supreme Court decided the people do not have the right to have their vote counted, and put the loser of the election in the White House. I guess one could say he was legitimately not qualified as he did not receive the most votes, even in the State of Florida.


          As one group put it to the other, "Get Over it." I guess that could apply now.


          I guess you're looking ahead to the 2012 election and plan on using that as an issue, but I would say you had better rethink that, because Obama is the best Republican you could put up so why not "ride' him?

          by Dennis Kaiser (8 fans, 32 articles, 47 quicklinks, 45 diaries, 1369 comments [989 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 2:33:42 PM

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          Conservative Thinking (an oxymoron)
          The upcoming election is being billed as the most divisive in the history of this country. I agree. Even if Obama and company grab that Billion Dollar Ring,he is going to have the kitchen sink thrown at him. With hidden corporate money coming from around the world and the fact that he is an African American will bring out the teaparty idiots with signs that made the others tame by comparison. Even with that idiot Trump thinking he's done something by Obama producing a birth cert., it will just be something else, all the time. Obama needs to forget about the conservatives, he will get nothing from them and concentrate on his base, especially independents. Great Post my man!

          by kenneth sibbett (8 fans, 5 articles, 0 quicklinks, 1 diaries, 16 comments) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:32:24 PM

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          Rethinking Your Comments about OBAMA
          I have cited an OPED article for many to see:
          by Sherwood Ross (can be found on google.com showing an OPED article)

          It was for a friend who died recently, a Civil Rights Activist who became Mayor of a small, Animosities filled College Town.......

          Re: Robert Coleman-Senghor
          Note: Rob..........just wanted to refresh your memory about the active, ongoing move by OBAMA et. als. who continues to use the PATRIOT ACT etc. even today.

          by Amelia Gora (2 articles, 0 quicklinks, 2 diaries, 7 comments) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 7:49:44 PM

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          no silence, just moving the goalposts
          The goal now is for the birthers to try and prove that Obama is not an NBC because of his father's nationality or his mother's age. Both these will fail, but it will take time to be conclusively derailed.

          Part of me is glad this has been done. Part of me wishes he'd waited a while longer. This is too delicious for words.

          by J. Edward Tremlett (3 fans, 38 articles, 4 quicklinks, 210 diaries, 1104 comments [365 recommended]) on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:14:59 PM

          Recommend  (0+)







        • The President Obama of the United States was born in the Occupied Kingdom of Hawaii! 

          Obama was born in the hospital that was founded in the Kingdom of Hawaii by Queen Kapiolani. 

          Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993


  • Aloha Amelia,


    Why do the REPUBLICAN want Obama out so badly?  Think about it. The Republican need to step to the plate and say that Obama was born.  Under the seal of Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono - The righteous of the sovereignty land forever perserved. You notice there is no seal of the motto on birth certificate. 

    Don't you think the Republican did the same thing to cleveland.


    There is a black and white certificate. Today they won't give you the black  and white they have change it.  My birth certificate is the same as his too and also marriage certificate is the same. But we have the seal on it. 


    Malama Pono 

    • hi Kaewaokalani,


      Am even more curious now............reason being I married a Japanese, Chinese guy, and he's older than me... his certificate was Green and he had asked me why mine's was BLACK and WHITE............


      I think there's certainly something going on regarding the CATEGORIZATION of People via Certificates..........


      My siblings certificates were BLACK and WHITE too..............


      My Divorce document wasn't anything different or noticeable..................


      I think we need to check further on these issues..................


      it just may be that DAVID WYNN MILLER and some of the Sovereignty groups know more about this then most of the kanaka maoli/Hawaiian Nationals in the Hawaiian Islands................


      Aaran ma (Leon, Kai, et. als.) --------------hope you guys are watching because sounds like a CLASS ACTION SUIT doesn't it?


      Thank you for posting..........most interesting.........hmmm.........






      Find more Hawaiian Nation songs at Myspace Music



      Long Live Ko Hawaii Pae Aina......Kamehameha's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's descendants/heirs, Kanaka Maoli, Aboriginal Hawaiians, Hawaiian Nationals!


      eyes 068


  • These kapo'e haole melika have got to be the stupidest people in the world.  My birth certificate looks just like that!  Trump reminds me of Sarah Palin.  Both have hoof in mouth disease!   Whatever happened to intelligent leaders in government or in public.


    Where do they find these idiots? Too much drugs in their systems?

    • hi Tane,


      my younger hanai brother, actually cousin has an original birth certificate with the black background..... I just gave it back to him last week because it was in my mother's paperwork.


      My younger hanai brother was born in 1967.


      We all know that much of the records have been tampered with..............Obama paid more than $2 million for legal eagles to support himself..........


      My own birth records, which were stolen from a classic, oldie but goody car..........had my original certificate complete with baby footprints, etc.....fortunately, my birth certificate has a black background just like my hanai brother who was born in 1967.....of course am older than him....and my parents had a black background one also, and my siblings..............the green one shown is a newer version which has been put out after the 1967 date, which means that OBAMA still has NOT given out his true birth certificate..........


      let alone the fact that he was NOT born in the United States but outside in a foreign country.....be it the Hawaiian Islands or Kenya.............


      now let us see who was born during OBAMA's period and can show their Black Background NOT Green certificate..........that would say a lot......


      If you were truly given a a green certificate when you were born, then that means there was a categorizing going on which differentiated our people for some reason...........am interested in what Kaohi's birth certificate looked like.............think there are significant issues that could be raised as well as raising many eyebrows in the Hawaiian community..............just a thought, sharing info............




      • My Territory of Hawaii Birth Certificate gives lots more information.  Like the Racial Background of my parents.  I know that they dropped the Racial Background but I think they did that after the date when Obama was born. 

        As for Kaohi's that could be a FAKE also of the LuLu BELL....


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