ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, 
    On Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Aha Kanaka Kuokoa in my presentation I mentioned that I did not believe that there was an Overthrow of the Lawful Government of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  Based on the facts that happened
on January 16, 1893.  
    As we all know that on January 16, 1893 thru an Act of War the United States invaded the Hawaiian Kingdom with its military forces.  Since that date of January 16, 1893 the military forces of the United States have occupied the Hawaiian Kingdom.  The military forces of the United States have never left the Hawaiian Kingdom since January 16, 1893 and continues its occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
    Understanding that the military forces of the United States was superior  Queen Liliuokalani on January 16, 1893 yielded her Constitutional Authority to the United States.     
    As the Constitutional Sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom Queen Liliuokalani
took legal actions to protect her nation and her loyal subjects.   Legal actions that are still in place today.   Legal actons that United States continues to violation.  
    Just as there are No Ceded Lands, No Annexation there is No Overthrow of the lawful government of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  
     The Hawaiian Kingdom as a nation still remains.   The lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom still remains.  The people of the Hawaiian Kingdom still remains loyal to their Queen and their nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom.  
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom,
o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993

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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, The Hawaiian Kingdom nation still remains. This is why Senators AKaKa and Inouye wants Congress to Reorganize the Hawaiian Kingdom nation thru the AKaKa BILL.
    Long Live The Hawaii Kingdom, o Pomaikaokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
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