CounterPunch May 24, 2011
Over 2,600 Activists Arrested in the US Since Election
The Resistance in Obama Time
Since President Obama was inaugurated, there have been over two thousand six hundred arrests of activists protesting in the US. Research shows over 670 people have been arrested in protests inside the US already in 2011, over 1290 were arrested in 2010, and 665 arrested in 2009. These figures certainly underestimate the number actually arrested as arrests in US protests are rarely covered by the mainstream media outlets which focus so intently on arrests of protestors in other countries.
Arrests at protest have been increasing each year since 2009. Those arrested include people protesting US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Guantanamo, strip mining, home foreclosures, nuclear weapons, immigration policies, police brutality, mistreatment of hotel workers, budget cutbacks, Blackwater, the mistreatment of Bradley Manning, and right wing efforts to cut back collective bargaining.
These arrests illustrate that resistance to the injustices in and committed by the US is alive and well. Certainly there could and should be more, but it is important to recognize that people are fighting back against injustice.
Information on these arrests has been taken primarily from the newsletter The Nuclear Resister, which has been publishing reports of anti-nuclear resistance arrests since 1980, and anti-war actions since 1990.
Jack Cohen-Joppa, who with his partner Felice, edits The Nuclear Resister, told me “Over the last three decades, in the course of chronicling more than 100,000 arrests for nonviolent protest and resistance to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, torture, and war, we've noted a quadrennial decline as support for protest and resistance gets swallowed up by Presidential politicking. It has taken a couple of years, but the Hopeian addicts of 2008 are finally getting into recovery. We're again reporting a steady if slow rise in the numbers willing to risk arrest and imprisonment for acts of civil resistance. Today, for instance, there are more Americans serving time in prison for nuclear weapons protest than at any time in more than a decade.”
In the list below I give the date of the protest arrest and a brief summary of the reason for the protest. After each date I have included the name of the organization which sponsored the protest. Check them out. Remember, they can jail the resisters but they cannot jail the resistance!
January 1, 2011. Nine women, ages 40 to 91, who brought solar panels to the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor were arrested for blocking the driveway at Entergy Corporation. Shut It Down.
January 5, 2011 and February 2, 2011. Five arrests were made of peace activists protesting at Vandenberg Air Force base, including a veteran of WWII. Vandenberg Witness.
January 11, 2011. Ten people protesting against the continued human rights violation of Guantanamo prison trying to deliver a letter to a federal judge were arrested at the federal building in Chicago, Illinois.
January 11, 2011. A sixty one year old grandmother protesting against excessive radiation was arrested for blocking the path of a utility truck in Sonoma County, California.
January 15, 2011. Twelve people protesting against Trident nuclear weapons at the Kitsap-Bangor naval base outside of Seattle, Washington were arrested – six on state charges of blocking the highway and six others on federal charges of trespass for crossing onto the base. Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action.
January 17, 2011. Marking the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, people protested outside the Lockheed Martin Valley Forge Pennsylvania office where eight people were arrested. Brandywine Peace Community.
January 17, 2011. Three people protesting the US use of armed drones and depleted uranium were arrested at the Davis-Monthan air force base near Tucson Arizona.
January 29, 2011. Eight peace activists marking the 60th anniversary of the testing of the atom bomb were arrested at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. Nevada Desert Experience.
February 10, 2011. Twenty three hotel workers were arrested after protesting management abuses at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. UNITE Here Local 2.
February 15, 2011. A former CIA agent turned whistleblower was arrested and battered by police for standing silently and turning his back during a speech on the need for human rights in Egypt delivered by the US Secretary of State. Veterans for Peace.
February 17, 2011. Nine people protesting against the attack on collective bargaining in Wisconsin were arrested at the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison.
February 25, 2011. Eleven people protesting federal budget cuts against the poor, including one person in a wheelchair were arrested charged with blocking traffic in Chicago.
March 4, 2011. Three people were arrested in Seattle after a protest against police abuse.
March 4, 2011. Sixteen people were arrested at a protest against tuition increases at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
March 10, 2011. Fifty people protesting the removal of collective bargaining rights were arrested after being carried out of the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison.
March 16, 2011. Seven union supporters protesting proposals to strip collective bargaining from teachers were arrested in Nashville Tennessee.
March 19, 2011. One hundred thirteen people protesting the eighth anniversary of the war in Iraq, lead by Veterans for Peace, were arrested at White House. Veterans for Peace.
March 19, 2011. Eleven military family members and veterans were arrested in Hollywood California after staging a sit protesting the 8th anniversary of the war in Iraq. Veterans for Peace.
March 20, 2011. Thirty five people were arrested protesting outside the Quantico brig where Bradley Manning was being held. Bradley Manning Support Network.
March 28, 2011. Seven people defending a family against eviction and protesting home foreclosures were arrested in Rochester, NY, including a 70 year old neighbor in her pajamas. Take Back the Land.
April 4, 2011. Seven people protesting against unjust immigration legislation barring undocumented immigrants from Georgia colleges were arrested for blocking traffic in Atlanta Georgia.
April 7, 2011. Seventeen people were arrested protesting budget cuts in assistance for the poor and elderly and calling for an end to corporate tax exemptions in Olympia Washington.
April 10, 2011. Twenty seven people calling attention to the thousands of murders of people in Latin America by graduates of the US Army School of the Americas/WHINSEC were arrested outside the White House. School of Americas Watch.
April 11, 2011. Forty one people, including the Mayor and many of the members of the District of Columbia city council, protesting Congressional action limiting how the District of Columbia could spend its own money were arrested in Washington DC.
April 15, 2011. Eight teenage girl students, some as young as fourteen, were arrested after they refused to leave their public school Catherine Ferguson Academy, which is specially designated for pregnant and mothering teens in Detroit. Also with the young women were children and teachers. The school is targeted for closure due to budget cutbacks.
April 22, 2011. Thirty seven people were arrested protesting the use of drones outside the Hancock Air Force base near Syracuse New York. Syracuse Peace Council. Ithaca Catholic Worker.
April 22, 2011. Eleven women chained and locked the gate at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon Vermont before being arrested.
April 22, 2011. Thirty three people protesting at the Livermore Lab which designs nuclear weapons at an interfaith peace service were arrested for trespassing in California.
April 22, 2011. Four people were arrested at the Pentagon after they held up a banner and read from a leaflet outside of the designated protest zone. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.
April 24, 2011. Sixteen protestors against nuclear weapons at the Nevada National Security Site were arrested after a sixty mile sacred walk from Las Vegas. Nevada Desert Experience. Pace e Bene.
May 2, 2011. Fifty two protestors against a nuclear weapons plant in Kansas City Missouri were arrested after blocking a gate to the construction site. Holy Family Catholic Worker.
May 9, 2011. Five people protesting against draconian immigration laws were arrested in the governor’s office in Indianapolis, Indiana.
May 7, 2011. Seven people celebrating Mothers Day and protesting nuclear weapons were arrested outside the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor twenty miles from Seattle. Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action.
May 9, 2011. Sixty five people protesting cutbacks in education funding were arrested in Sacramento California.
January 6, 2010. Over one hundred people protesting for union recognition of hotel workers at Hyatt San Francisco were arrested. UNITE Here Local 2.
January 15, 2010. A man who served nearly six months in jail and who was still on probation for hammering windows at a military recruiting center in Lancaster Pennsylvania was arrested at the recruiting center after insisting that recruiters and recruits to leave the army.
January 18, 2010. Seven people commemorating Martin Luther King’s birthday wore sandwich board messages saying “Make War No More,” “It’s about Justice,” and “its About Peace,” outside of Lockheed Martin’s main entrance in Merion Pennsylvania until they were arrested. Brandywine Peace Community.
January 21, 2010. Forty-two people protesting the ongoing human rights violations of Guantanamo prison were arrested at the US Capitol building. Twenty-eight were arrested on the steps of the Capitol and fourteen inside the rotunda. Witness Against Torture.
January 26, 2010. Thirteen people from Minnesota lobbying to stop funding for war were arrested after holding a die-in on the sidewalk in front of the White House. Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
January 31, 2010. Eight people were arrested trying to protest at Vandenberg Air Force base in California, one of those arrested, an octogenarian, was brought to the hospital for injuries suffered in the arrest. A few days later, seven protestors were arrested at the same spot. A month later, four more protestors were arrested. Vandenberg Witness.
February 22, 2010. Five people protesting against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were arrested inside US Senators’ offices in the Des Moines Iowa federal building. Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Des Moines Catholic Worker.
March 4, 2010. Four students protesting against rape were arrested after they refused to leave the administration building at Michigan State University in East Lansing Michigan.
March 20, 2010. Nine peace activists were arrested in Washington DC for lying down beside mock coffins outside the White House.
March 21, 2010. Two people protesting at the Aerospace and Arizona Days air show at Monthan Air Force base held a banner declaring “War is not a Show” in front of a Predator Unmanned Air Vehicle (drone) were arrested.
March 30, 2010. Eight protestors were arrested during a march against police brutality in Portland Oregon.
April 2, 2010. Eleven people on a Good Friday walk for peace and justice were arrested outside the USS Intrepid in New York city after they began reading the names of 250 Iraqi, American and Afghan war dead. Pax Christi New York.
April 2, 2010. Nine people carrying a banner “Lockheed Martin Weapons + War = The Crucifixion Today” in the 34th annual Good Friday protest at Lockheed Martin were arrested in Valley Forge Pennsylvania. Brandywine Peace Community.
April 4, 2010. Twenty two people protesting against nuclear weapons after the Sacred Walk from Las Vegas to the Nevada Nuclear Test Site were arrested after the Western Shoshone sunrise ceremony and Easter Mass. Nevada Desert Experience.
April 7, 2010. Three people, including a 12 year old girl, were arrested inside a US Senators office in Des Moines, Iowa with a banner “No More $$$ For War.” The mother of the 12 year old girl was called into the police station and issued a citation the next day for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Voices for Creative Nonviolence and Des Moines Catholic Worker.
April 15, 2010. A man protesting nuclear weapons was arrested inside the security fence of a nuclear missile silo near Parshall, North Dakota.
April 16, 2010. Twelve people protesting against Sodexho mistreatment of workers were arrested in Montgomery County Maryland. Service Employees International Union.
April 20, 2010. A woman was arrested for standing in the path of a bulldozer to try to prevent mining in Marquette County, Michigan.
April 26, 2010. Seventeen people protesting war and poverty inside and outside the federal building in Chicago were arrested. Midwest Catholic Worker.
April 26, 2010. Boulder Colorado police arrested five people protesting at Valmont coal power plant.
May 3, 2010. Three people protesting nuclear weapons were arrested at Bangor Naval Base outside of Seattle Washington. Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action.
May 3, 2010. Twenty two people protesting nuclear weapons were arrested at Grand Central Station in New York city after unfurling banners saying “Nuclear Weapons = Terrorism,” and “Talk Less, Disarm More.” War Resisters League.
May 9, 2010. Seven people trying to stop a foreclosure-driven eviction were arrested in Toledo Ohio. Take Back the Land.
May 15, 2010. Thirty four people protesting against Arizona’s draconian immigration laws were arrested outside the White House.
May 17, 2010. Sixteen people were arrested in NYC protesting against unjust immigration policies.
May 20, 2010. A woman US Army specialist who served as a Military Police applied for conscientious objector status while serving in Iraq and who later left her unit was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
May 24, 2010. Thirty seven people protesting against unjust immigration policies were arrests in New York City.
June 1, 2010. Fifty six people protesting against unjust immigration policies were arrested in NYC.
June 8, 2010. Six peace advocates were arraigned in federal court in Des Moines, Iowa for numerous actions protesting in US Senators offices for the previous several months. One activist, a grandmother and hog farmer, held weekly die-ins in Senators’ offices and was arrested frequently. Once, when police asked her to leave, she replied that she was dead and couldn’t leave. Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
June 15, 2010. Several people protesting against evictions caused by bank foreclosure were arrested in Miami Florida. Take Back the Land.
June 23, 2010. Twenty two people protesting in favor of immigration reform singing “America the Beautiful” and “This Land is Your Land,” were arrested and charged with blocking traffic in Seattle.
July 5, 2010. Thirty six people protesting for a nuclear free future were arrested at the Y12 Nuclear Weapons Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee – thirteen of federal trespass charges and twenty-three on state charges for blocking a highway. Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance.
July 6, 2010. Seventy eight people protesting against police brutality in Oakland California and the trial involving a shooting by a BART police office.
July 23, 2010. One hundred fifty two hotel workers protesting against management at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco were arrested. UNITE Here Local 2.
July 29, 2010. Thirteen people were arrested in Tucson Arizona protesting against the state’s illegal immigration laws.
August 9, 2010. On Nagasaki day, three people protesting against the US commitment to nuclear weapons were arrested outside the US Strategic Air Command in Omaha Nebraska. Omaha Catholic Worker.
August 15, 2010. A twenty two year old female student at Michigan State University who pitched an apple pie at a US Senator during an anti-war protest was arrested and charged with federal felony charges of forcible assault on a federal officer. Another anti-war activist was also arrested and charged with the same crime.
September 9, 2010. Twelve people protesting for equality for gay people in the workplace were arrested in San Francisco.
September 27, 2010. One hundred fourteen people protesting mountaintop removal coal mining were arrested at the White House after a conference of people from West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Prior to this protest, forty-nine activists in the Climate Ground Zero Campaign have served jail time for taking action against strip-mining in Appalachia. Climate Ground Zero.
November 5, 2010. One hundred fifty two people protesting police killings were arrested in Oakland, California.
November 8, 2010. Five people protesting wind turbines in Lincoln, Maine were arrested including an 82 year old native of Maine.
November 21, 2010. Three people were arrested on federal charges and twenty-four more on state charges at the School of Americas/WHINSEC protest in Columbus Georgia outside the gates of Fort Benning. Six others were arrested at a protest against a private prison housing immigrants in rural Georgia. School of Americas Watch. ACLU Immigrant Rights Project.
December 1, 2010. Three people protesting against unjust immigration policies were arrested at the office of a Congress rep in Racine Wisconsin. Voces de la Frontera.
December 16, 2010. One hundred thirty one protestors, including numerous veterans, gathered in the snow outside the White House challenging the war in Afghanistan, the cover-up of war crimes and the prosecution of Bradley Manning and Wikileaks were arrested for failing to clear the sidewalk. In a parallel New York City protest, several others were also arrested. Veterans for Peace.
December 17, 2010. Twenty two people protesting against unfair home foreclosures were arrested when they blocked an entrance to a Chase bank branch in Los Angeles. Alliance Californians for Community Empowerment.
December 20, 2010. Six people were arrested after protesting at Bank of America against the foreclosure of an elderly couple in South Saint Louis. Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment.
December 28, 2010. Three parents asking for the abolition of all nuclear weapons were arrested for leafleting at the Pentagon. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker.
January 2009, seventeen people, clad in black mourning clothes and white masks, were arrested in the US Senate Building for reading the names of the dead in ongoing US wars and unfurling banners stating “The Audacity of War Crimes,” “Iraq,” “Afghanistan,” “Palestine,” and “We Will Not Be Silent.”
January 26, 2009, six human rights advocates were sentenced to two to six months of federal prison or home arrest in federal court in Columbus Georgia for challenging training of Latin American human rights abusers at the US Army School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC) by walking onto Fort Benning. School of Americas Watch.
January 2009, a former Army specialist who refused to graduate with his Airborne Division because he realized he could not kill anybody was arrested and jailed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The former soldier had been ordered home in May 2002 to await discharge papers. Courage to Resist.
February 2009. There were fifteen arrests of activists protesting mountain top removal by Massey in West Virginia. Climate Ground Zero.
February 2009, five peace activists in Salem Oregon fasting on the steps of the state capitol building so that National Guard soldiers would not be sent to Iraq and Afghanistan were cited for trespass by state police.
March 1, 2009, six anti-nuclear activists protesting the 55th anniversary of the US nuclear bomb detonation at Bikini Atoll were arrested at the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor in Kitsap, Washington after they knelt in the roadway. Ground Zero Community and Pacific Life Community.
March 4, 2009, nine people seeking to present a letter to CEO of Alliant Technologies outlining how weapons manufacturers were prosecuted as war criminals at the end of WWII were arrested in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Alliant Action.
March 12, 2009, four people who were arrested during a protest at Vandenberg Air Force base were fined between $500 and $2500 by federal authorities. California Peace Action.
March 17, 2009, seven people seeking a meeting with US Defense Secretary to challenge the legality of the war in Iraq were arrested at the Pentagon. National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.
March 18, 2009, seven women, ranging in ages from 65 to 89, some in wheelchairs and walkers, were arrested protesting the war in Iraq after wrapping yellow crime scene tape around a military recruiting center and blocking the entrance for an hour in New York City. Grannie Peace Brigade.
March 19, 2009, three people protesting the war in Iraq were arrested in Washington DC. In one instance a US Army veteran scaled the front of the Veterans Administration building and unfurled a banner saying “Veterans Say NO to War and Occupation.” Protests against the war in Iraq in Chicago resulted in an arrest there after banner drop.
March 19-21, 2009, protests against the war in Iraq in San Francisco resulted in twenty-two arrests at a die-in in the financial district, eleven more for blocking a street outside the Civic Center, and ten more at the Saturday march when Palestinian marchers were confronted by pro-Israel counter protestors resulting in police using batons and tear gas.
March 31, 2009, four people were arrested in Brattleboro, Vermont, for standing in silent opposition to the Vermont Yankee nuclear power reactor.
March 31, 2009, an anti-nuclear protestor was convicted of trespassing at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons facility and sentenced to two days in jail, community service and probation. Trinity House Catholic Worker.
April 3, 2009, four people protesting injustices on Wall Street and in Afghanistan and Iraq were arrested in New York, NY, for marching down the center of the street. Bail Out the People Movement.
April 9, 2009, fourteen people were arrested at Creech Air Force outside Las Vegas Nevada base protesting against the US use of drones in lethal attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Nevada Desert Experience.
April 10, 2009, eight people were arrested while kneeling and praying for peace at the Pentagon. Another, clad in an orange jumpsuit and black hood, was arrested at the White House where he was chained to the fence protesting the human rights abuses of Guantanamo. Jonah House.
April 10, 2009, sixteen people were arrested while protesting the war profiteer Lockheed Martin in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Brandywine Peace Community.
April 12, 2009, twenty one people were arrested while protesting the use of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site on Western Shoshone tribal lands. Nevada Desert Experience.
April 17, 2009. A man protesting US polices of violence, racism and poverty-production was sentenced to six months in prison for hammering out some windows in the US Military Recruiting Center in Lancaster Pennsylvania.
April 23, 2009, four people protesting lies by military recruiters were arrested after locking themselves to the door at the military recruiting center in Minnesota. Three others were arrested at the Knollwood Plaza after disrupting the recruitment center so much it had to be closed. Another woman was arrested near a recruiting center after placing a “Don’t Enlist” sticker on a police car. Antiwar committee.
April 24, 2009, a woman calling for the return of the National Guard from Iraq was arrested in the US House Appropriations during testimony by US Generals in Washington DC. Code Pink.
April 28, 2009, a US Army veteran who refused to fight in Iraq was court-martialed in Fort Stewart, Georgia and sentenced to one year in prison. Courage to Resist.
April 29, 2009, twenty-two people were arrested after trying to serve a Notice of Foreclosure for Moral Bankruptcy on Blackwater/Xe, the mercenary company responsible for so many deaths in Iraq, at its compound in Mount Carmel, Illinois. Des Moines Catholic Worker Community.
April 30, 2009, sixty three people were arrested at the White House protesting against illegal detention and torture at Guantanamo prison. Witness Against Torture.
May 20, 2009. Twenty one people protesting against the war in Iraq were arrested outside a military recruiting center in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
July 22, 2009, four people protesting against Boeing’s role in the production of drones, which have killed more than 700 people in Afghanistan and Pakistan, were arrested inside the Boeing lobby in Chicago, Illinois. Christian Peacemaker Teams.
August 4, 2009, four shareholders who sought to speak at the shareholders meeting of depleted uranium munitions producer Alliant Techsystems were arrested when they approached the microphone in Eden Prairie Minnesota. Alliant Action.
August 5, 2009, a US Army specialist who refused to deploy to Afghanistan was sentenced to 30 days in jail and given a less than honorable discharge in Killeen Texas. Courage to Resist.
August 6, 2009, a 75 year old priest, protesting the 64th anniversary of the US dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima, was arrested outside of Greeley Colorado where he cut the fence around a nuclear missile silo, hung peace banners, prayed and tried to break open the hatch on the silo.
August 6, 2009, nine antiwar activists were arrested at Fort McCoy Wisconsin after a three day peace walk protesting against US nuclear weapons and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Nuke Watch.
August 6, 2009, two people were arrested at the Pentagon entrance on the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing carrying a banner stating “Remember the Pain, Remember the Sin, Reclaim the Future.” Jonah House.
August 6, 2009, twenty two people protesting the horror of Hiroshima were arrested in Livermore California when they blocked the entrance to the Lawrence Livermore weapons lab. Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment.
August 6, 2009, nine people at a vigil for peace and nonviolence were arrested for walking onto Lockheed Martin property at Valley Forge Pennsylvania and spreading sunflower seeds, an international symbol for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Brandywine Peace Community.
August 6, 2009, two people were arrested when they refused to stop praying at the gates of the Davis-Monthan Air Force base in Tucson Arizona. Rose of the Desert Catholic Worker.
August 10, 2009, nine persons calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons were arrested at Bangor Naval base, home to the Trident submarine, twenty miles from Seattle Washington. Ground Zero Community.
August 14, 2009, a US Army Sergeant who refused to go to Afghanistan and who asked for conscientious objector status was found guilty of disobeying lawful orders and going AWOL at a trial in Fort Hood. He was sentenced to one year in prison and given a bad conduct discharge.
August 17, 2009. Four people were arrested outside the Boalt Hall classroom where they were protesting John Yoo, who coauthored the memos authorizing torture on people in Guantanamo during the Bush administration.
August 22, 2009, two people protesting against nuclear missile testing were arrested at Vandenberg Air Force base and cited for trespass.
September 9, 2009. Four people protesting against Massey Energy mountain top removal were arrested in Madison West Virginia. Climate Ground Zero.
September 12, 2009, seven people who were protesting against the use of the high-tech bloodless arcade Army Experience Center in Philadelphia were arrested. Seven other protestors were arrested there earlier in the year. Shut Down the AEC.
September 24, 2009, ninety two people protesting management disregard for union rights of hotel workers were arrested at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco. UNITE Here Local 2.
September 27, 2009, twenty one people protesting against the Nevada Test Site were arrested at the Mercury gate. At an action to “Ground the Drones” protesting the increasing use of lethal drones in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, another eleven people were arrested. Code Pink. Pace e Bene. Nevada Desert Experience.
September 28, 2009, four women, ages 66 to 90, walked past security guards at the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant protesting inadequate safety at the plant. Carrying signs saying “Yom Kippur, September 28, Time to Atone, Shut Down Vermont Yankee,” this was the seventh set of arrests at the nuclear plant or its corporate headquarters since 2005.
September, 2009, the US Army accepted the resignation of Lieutenant, who refused to fight in Iraq because he believed the war violates international law, and gave him a discharge under other than honorable conditions. Courage to Resist.
October 1, 2009. A well known mixed martial arts fighter was sentenced to 90 days of work release and a fine of $28,000 for spraying symbols on an Army recruiting center and the Washington State Capitol building to help raise consciousness about the illegal war in Iraq.
October 2, 2009. Four people trying to deliver a document titled “Employee Liabilities of Weapons Manufacturers under International Law” to the weapons manufacturer Alliant Technologies were arrested in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Alliant Action.
October 5, 2009, a couple, who married the day before and who were carrying a banner saying “Just Married; Love Disarms,” were arrested during a peace protest at Lockheed-Martin in Sunnyvale California. A priest was also arrested as the three gave out leaflets to workers entering the war contractor work site. Albuquerque New Mexico Catholic Worker.
October 5, 2009, sixty one people were arrested while protesting the ninth year of the US war in Afghanistan in front of the White House. Some of the arrested were in orange jumpsuits and chained to the fence. Secret Service officers assaulted other protestors, pushing and pulling them away from the protest site, bruising some. No Good War and Jonah House.
October 7, 2009, twelve protestors against the war in Afghanistan were arrested in Rochester, NY. Some of the arrested were treated at the hospital after being struck by police. Rochester Students for a Democratic Society.
October 7, 2009. Two people were arrested in Grand Central Station after unfurling banners which said “Afghanistan Enough!” War Resisters League.
October 11, 2009. Two women who held up banners when Tiger Woods was ready to putt, saying “President Obama – End Bush’s War,” and “End the Afghan Quagmire,” were handcuffed and escorted away from the President’s Cup golf tournament in San Francisco.
November 2, 2009. Five people calling for nuclear disarmament cut through the fence around the Naval Base Kitsap which houses the Trident nuclear submarines and nuclear warheads outside of Seattle Washington. The five walked through the base until they found the storage area for nuclear weapons and cut two more fences to get inside where they put up banners and spread sunflower seeds until they were arrested. Disarm Now Plowshares.
November 4, 2009. Two people were arrested while protesting outside Vandenberg Air Force base in California. Vandenberg Witness.
November 4, 2009. Eight protestors, including one who was 91 years old, were arrested at the Strategic Space Symposium in Omaha Nebraska while holding a “Space Weapons=Death” banner. Des Moines and Omaha Catholic Worker.
November 15, 2009. Five people protesting against US torture practices at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where military interrogators are trained were arrested. Torture on Trial.
November 22, 2009. Four people protesting the training of human rights abusers by the US Army at their School of Americas/WHINSEC were arrested in Columbus, Georgia. School of Americas Watch.
November 23, 2009. A longtime war tax resister pled guilty to avoiding paying taxes for war at court in Bangor Maine. National War Tax Resistance Coordination Committee.
December 1, 2009. Protestors at 100 cities across the country challenged President Obama’s talk at West Point to escalate the war in Afghanistan. Six were arrested at West Point, eleven in Minneapolis, and three in Madison Wisconsin.
December 9, 2009. Six people protesting that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize were arrested outside the federal building in Los Angeles. Los Angeles Catholic Worker.
December 10, 2009. Six people protesting the use of lethal drones were forcibly escorted out of the 11th Annual Unmanned Aerial Systems Conference outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Trinity Nuclear Abolition and Code Pink.
December 29, 2009. Twelve people leafleting and praying for peace at the Pentagon were arrested. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker and Jonah House.
Bill Quigley is a professor of law at Loyola University New Orleans and Associate Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights. More information about many of these arrests can be found at Bill can be reached at
LuLu BELLS like Kaohi loves the Great American Way of HEWA like the Blood Quantum!
They like to put the blame on the Obama administration when in fact much of it was done during and because of the GOP Bush administration when there was not so much as a peep from the public and news media about their criminal activities. Granted, Obama is part of the status quo; but where were the public when Bush was committting all the atrocities and the Congress were silent and complying with it all?
I find it absurd to blame Obama as if it only happened during his administration while the Bush regime goes unpunished for creating all of this. Bush and Cheney regime should be tried for war crimes as a starter. They are the ones that deserve the death penalty through the court justice system as prescribed by law. I remember the hundreds who were arrested for demonstrating outside of the National Republican Convention in New York when Bush was running for his second term.
So much for democracy in the U.S. which continues to make a mockery of justice, freedom, and democracy!
The Buck Stops NOW with Obama as President!
Obama has Increased the WAR!
No question that the Bush and Cheney Regime should be tried for War Crimes as a Starter.
What Obama did with the Killing of Bin Ladin is the same that they tried to do on Queen Liliuokalani on January 16, 1893!
Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomai
Article...........sent to :
EYES ON THE U.S., et. als.
You Get The Government You Deserve
You Get The Government You Deserve
- A Review -
by Amelia Gora (2011)
Listen to this speech and notice how Obama uses "sovereign and contiguous", "sovereign and non-militarized state".............isn't the Middle East made up of various sovereign governments, most of which are Monarchies. They are contiguous.
Some Highlights:
1) U.S. opposes violence or oppression on the people.
2) Obama: How can one negotiate with a party who has shown itself unwilling to recognize your right to exist. (question to Israel)................
3) "Sovereign and unmilitarized state."
4) Obama called Hussein and Bin Ladin irrelevant.
5) Obama is seen as irrelevant. Who cares (what Obama says).
6) U.S. is the reason for having so many dictatorships in the region.
7) Arabs are deposing regimes set up by the U.S.
8) President Obama who is from another country that's a partner in Israeli crime says that 'your country shall not be's reducing us to non-existent peoples'.
9) U.S. comes across to offer bribes to go against Arab people.
People asking for social justice.
U.S. exploitatation and pillage must come to an end.
10) ethnic cleansing occuring in Israel.
11) U.S. pillage on the resources must come to an end.
Therefore, U.S. deliberately intervenes and imposes social change on the Arabs/Israel, and is moving to make them non-existent, while creating a nation state at their whim/ other words, the U.S. nose is in other nations business.
Similar to what occurred in Hawaii, the major points highlighted above applies to the moves on the Hawaiian Kingdom:
2) How can one negotiate with a party who has shown itself unwilling to recognize your right to exist.
Note: the party unwilling to recognize kanaka maoli's right to exist is the entity created, set in place and supported by the U.S. is the entity State of Hawaii with the U.S. government.
the complexity of the issues are now clouded due to the Premeditation evidence discovered showing that the U.S. did support treasonous persons to help to disrupt, leave in disarray, pirate an already recognized nation. The ongoing intent is to say that we are trying to "negotiate" with an "unwilling" U.S. which expects that a simple apology will do. See Public Law 103-150 signed by U.S. President Clinton.
Now, the U.S. has been pulling that stunt on many other nations and now moves against the Israeli's, et. als.
8) President Obama who is from another country that's a partner in Israeli crime says that 'your country shall not be's reducing us to non-existent peoples'.
Note: Obama, by supporting the Akaka Bill along with the entity State of Hawaii - partners in Hawaiian Kingdom's crimes is also saying to our kanaka maoli that 'our country shall not be ours.....they're rducing us to non-existent peoples' which is what they have been trying to do since the criminal claims of 'annexation' in 1898, and over time through lies, deceit, propaganda.
The entity State of Hawaii through the Rice vs. Cayetano case did a claimed legal tactic to assume the term "Hawaiian" and identity theft which intends to claim the term to apply to all born in the Hawaiian Islands as "Hawaiian" and have the ' benefits and privileges' for all with no blood relationship to the aboriginal people, the kanaka maoli, subjects, Alii of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
"Benefits and privileges" are terms used by Masons/Freemasons when they identify their membership/ supporters in the Hawaiian Islands.
As you now know that the Masons/Freemasons were part of the mercenaries supporting the U.S. , England's, bankers moves on a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation wealthier than their own...........and moved to pirate, pillage, criminally assume lands, assets, resources, etc. disregarding international law/breaching international laws.
As posted previously about the Middle East nations that were being set up for War due to OIL, Iraq, Iran, Arab Nation, etc. are on the list to Plunder.............
published in 2011-05-12 09:29:39
quote 1 floor
References: website CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII ABROAD AND THE UNITED STATES (2003) and other books writings by Amelia Kuulei Gora >>> aloha. > p.s. in regards to ...
References: website
CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII ABROAD AND THE UNITED STATES (2003) and other books writings by Amelia Kuulei Gora >>>
> p.s. in regards to the SECRET TREATY OF VERONA:(break down of Monarchy governments)
Page 6781
25 April 1916
also see AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC CODE 1778 -1884 vol. 2; Elliott p. 179
lastly if you google youll see hundreds of referrals regarding the Secret Treaty of Verona.
7. Hawaii is occupied by a nation contrary to neutral peaceful existence:
REFERENCE: FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Road to War America and the World page 31Volume 70 No. 1
In other words the following on the U.S. list to WAR with or TERRORIZE are:
1. IRAQ (2003 Iraq accused of having nuclear weapons GW Bush moved to WAR for EXXON (oil) see: above article a repost THE BROWN STUFF by Greg Palast
4. NORTH KOREA (October 2006 underground nuclear weapon set off)
Off the forums:
MC Intern
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: New York City
Posts: 15
youre absolutely right!
I cant agree with you more. First Afghanistan now Iraq next? God knows better!
I as a Pakistani believe our turn is right around the corner somewhere. If the US government and foreign policy go unchecked and the media continues to play its present role then surely the world will be an absolutely horrifying global village.
and not necessarily in that order! Just to verify some of the above:
Learn from Iraq
Top Stories Reuters
By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) The United States on Wednesday warned countries it has accused of pursuing weapons of mass destruction including Iran Syria and North Korea (news web sites) to draw the appropriate lesson from Iraq (news web sites).
1) Failure in telling Americans about the true relationship with England/U.S. is but a colony of the Crown (of England)
Reference: CBS Channel 9 news 5:45PM 10/30/05 Sunday
Announcing Prince Charles and his wife would visit the U.S.
a colony of the Crown (of England);
This article covers part of checking up on the U.S. whose Southern (Confederate) Presidents have been actively destroying the Constitution without the understanding of most Americans.
The most recent U.S. Presidents who have had a hand in the ongoing destruction of the U.S. Constitution are:
President Lyndon Baines Johnson (Texas Confederate State)
President Richard Nixon (Texas Confederate State)
President Ronald Reagan (Texas Confederate State)
President James Earl Carter (Georgia Confederate State)
President George Bush (Texas Confederate State)
President William Clinton (Arkansas Confederate State)
President George W. Bush (Texas Confederate State)
See John Nelson legal researchers article at for the U.S. Presidents role in destroying the U.S. Constitution etc.
By impeaching the U.S. President not only can the rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution be maintained but it will also be a credible sign to other nations that Americans are NOT about WAR the wrongful Pl under Ing Upon Inn *o* CENTS.
The removal/withdrawal of the American military from the Middle East/other nations will help to keep in check:
1) the Foreign Policies;
2) the Media (mostly Jewish run) who promotes WAR for GREED/money resources etc.;
3) and would impede the progress of the World being dominated by the UPPER CLASS/a few seeking control of a slave world society/ New World Order/ One World Order.
4) Question the United Nations and the Presidents need to connect with other nations.
5) Question the United Nations and the CFR /Council on Foreign Relations made up of U.S. England and the bankers.
6) Question the basis of Allen Dulles former CIA/Central Intelligence Agencys former chief who prepared a report recommending the following:
.a world government strong immediate limitation on national sovereignty international control of all armies and navies a universal system of money world-wide freedom of immigration progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade and a democratically-controlled world bank. Allen Dulles 1942
The report also called for world-wide redistribution of wealth. It held that a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative. It accepted Marxian concepts by denouncing various defects in the profit system as being responsible for breeding war demagogues and dictators.
7) Take a step back and watch the U.S. and Russias possible merger into a world government:
Dulles in 1946 said:
Moreover Communism as an economic program for social reconstruction has points of contact with the social message of Christianity as in its avowed concern for the underprivileged and its insistence on racial equality neither state socialism nor free enterprise provides a perfect economic system; each can learn from the experience of the other the free enterprise system has yet to prove it can assure steady production and employment Soviet socialism has changed mch particularly in placing greater dependence upon the incentive of personal gain.
Do note that in the first 25 years of Communist control of Russia the mass murder of 20-million human beings occurred.
15-million persons were in Soviet Slave Labor camps in 1946;
From 1946 1963 the communists exterminated another 40-million people in Russia China Hungary Cuba Poland Tibet and Korea.
Note and Comments:
Being that the treasonous activities Communist affiliations of the Presidents including the building of the United Nations does this mean that the recent count of 655000 Iraqis who were killed adds to the additional count of Communist mass murders?
The United Nations is communist based headed by England the WAR arm U.S. and funded by the international bankers.
The U.S. Constitution has been TAMPERED WITH by U.S. Presidents of a slave state background/Confederate States with less than a full recognition as the other States. See John Nelsons article at and other issues of IOLANI The Royal Hawk for U.S. Presidents backgrounds etc.
As a reminder: Russia the U.S. England were part of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona along with Austria France Prussia and assistance from the Vatican. See Wolfram Graetz researchers finds in the U.S. Congress records in IOLANI The Royal Hawk issues or go to his website:
8. Royal families exist documenting excessive frauds criminal deviance Pirates of the Pacific and Friends.
9. Royal families excluding the clowns(not Crowns) Kawananakoas have filed liens/notices/affidavits (1996 2005 2007 etc.) for the world to see.
9. Royal families excluding the clowns(not Crowns) Kawananakoas document the truth and defend out kanaka maoli and others for their ancestral land claims health safety and maintain peaceful neutral status while recognizing the permanent treaties with other nations affecting Royal persons descendants of Kamehameha etals. today.
History Overview from Hawaii of Educating the Cute, Unknowing Sheep
Conclusion/ or Lessons to be taken from our history:
The history of Hawaii has indeed affected the World today. A Corporation is not a government. Everyone affected by the U.S., Great Britain's, France's etals. corporate structure needs to work on diminishing the tight reins of slavery by reaching for the areas of history that has problematic issues, reenact Constitutions, limit or eliminate the Corporate structure moving in to assume the rights of citizens.
There's more history which has been brought out by many historians, researchers, writers, which shows evidence of decadent nations looking to kill off all people of color, etc.
In other words, dear friends, take heed, and take back your governments.
p.s. good stuff/
fyi see the Whitehouse website which documents /maintains the Hawaiian Kingdom's claims of the Hawaiian archipelago by our Alii/our families documented /sent to President (s) Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
Note: Important is the list of Nations that the U.S., et. als. has or plans to PLUNDER UPON....... the attitude seems to be WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THE INNOCENTS! LESS PEOPLE OF COLOR TO THINK ABOUT...................the goal of the One World Order/New World Order is to exterminate the "useless" and "needless feeders"..................hmmmmmm...................aloha.
p.s. The U.S. needs to de-occupy the Hawaiian Islands.....................Duress, Stress, Coercion, and Usurpation, along with Piracy(ies) and assisting Americans to dethrone Our Queen Liliuokalani is on record......................all nations need to know..........stop believing lies, propaganda everyone! The scum, scoundrels, wicked people are evidence of crimes against man kind.........the American Indians, the Hawaiian Islands, Spain, Germany, Japan, Micronesian Islands, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan...............and more ................ something's wrong with it.........where is the love? appears to be non-existent................then again, Obama is a descendant of "nigger" haters, namely Robert E. Lee, Confederate general; Joseph Booth his ancestor who called our families "nigger" / 'shit eating niggers'; and last but not least, his father's family from Kenya who were the SLAVE CAPTORS and SOLD THEIR PEOPLE to "nigger haters" "SLAVE MAKERS"........................too bad Americans didn't do their background checks on the President............oh, btw his grandmother was a CEO/Corporation Executive Officer of Bank of Hawaii...........and it appears that one of his ancestors was a name sake of a criminal pirated Trust named the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/ Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE aka's, a Trust put in place by an American banker PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC named Charles Reed Bishop - one of the bankers who owes more than $2,000,000 from loans still and moved to assume the assets of the owners/Kamehameha's descendants/heirs existing then and now from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina who did no wrong to the U.S., a bankrupt U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers since 1893.....rents, leases are due, also, .............research incomplete.................the claims to the ownership of PEARL HARBOR is based on a FRAUD DEED, and deeds made by the same Trust to the American backed government, to the U.S., other words, moves towards WARS over time was based on FRAUD, DECEIT, PROPAGANDA, CRIMINAL CLAIMS by bankers, animosity types.........who are clearly racketeers, scoundrels, scums of the ages seeking to WAR and PROFIT OFF OF MASS MURDERS, KILLING, ANIMOSITIES AND ALL THAT IS EVIL......................................
Wake up America!..............................Take Back Your Government!
John Nelson's article at
KAOLEIOKU: KAMEHAMEHA'S OLDEST SON, HIS DESCENDANTS AND HEIRS and other articles and books by Amelia Gora and multiples of research from many, many other researchers (David Icke, Leuren Moret, Michael Moore, John Kaminski, Stephen Gowans, et. als.)