The Pirates Have Shown Their Plans For The Hawaiian People!
According to Abercrombie the Hawaiians are to find their destiny in the Bureau of Indian Affairs as some kind of rag- tag, God- foresaken "tribe" that goes about building casinos !
Hawaiians are to build a fraternity with Apaches and Hopi.
Hawaiians will play cards like in "Whalerider" while they wait for checks in the mail.
But, if Hawaiians refuse to be trafficked into The Bureau of Indian Affairs, the "Claims Extinguishment Paper" can be brought right here to the Islands.
Neil and Nancie are up to the challenge !
Neil Abercrombie, are you a fork- tongued black- birding pirate ??
Nancie Caraway, are you a fork- tongued black- birding human trafficker ??
How did you answer folks who inquired about Hawai'i
at the fancy Washington, D.C. cocktail parties ??
"Dr. Caraway, we're puzzled by 'Iolani Palace ? The other Native Americans had nothing like this Palace of the Hawaiians. Are the Hawaiians a different kind of Indian or what ??
Nancie: "No, not at all ! They're just injuns too."