
  • It'll be great when the wicked kahu is removed, along with the wicked trustees ...............then Kawaiahao Church will be returned to  the control of the kanaka maoli/Hawaiian Nationals who are the true land/church yard owners and church owners (because our ancestors built the church) again...........weehah!!! Me ka hana ana!!! (right on(everyone)!)



    • ALOHA Mai, e Amelia,

             We have so much HEWA to remove that it may take many Years to do the the work that needs to be done.   The HEWA at Kawaiahao you must know is so Deeply Rooted.  

             In the over 50 years of my involvement in the movement I've seen so much HEWA among our own people of the Blood Quantum. 

             This is why I believe that WE must WIN this Battle at Kawaiahao.   Spiritually, they at Kawaiahao are Killing our People!

      Malama pono, o Pomai


      • hi Pomai,


        True, there's lots of hewa at Kawaiahao.............and there's lots of supporting documents showing that our people, those who helped with the building/physical building, investing, were granted the Church and the Church yard by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.


        Thank goodness many.........even Aran Ardaiz folks have geared up to support the Truth.......


        Many of the blood quantum thinkers are actually heavily indoctrinated by the American/Amerikkkan thinking...........and there's a holiday this Friday for their leader ...Prince Kuhio who was actually a treasonous person.............. it's sad that many Hawaiians are totally sold on the propaganda, the lies, the deliberate indoctrination, the "dumbing down" of the Hawaiian Society, which is why many of us have to step up ......then eventually some of them will follow when they realize that they've been conned................Pirates are amongst us!


        Malama ko kino, get well soon...........aloha.


        • Mahalo Nui, e Amelia,

                 I have kept in the movement for the many years knowing that Some Day Our People would Wake Up to the Truth! 

                 I'm so excited at all that is happening!  

                 Soon my Hanai and I will be getting our Hawaiian Kingdom I.D.s!  

                 I'm so Proud of the KUE that we are taking at Kawaiahao and against the Rail! 

            ALOHA KUU AINA HAWAII, o Pomai



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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

           Hawaiian Nationals have just begun to Take Back Kingdom.

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993

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