As special envoy to Hawaii with paramount powers to investigate the circumstances of the revolution and the stability of the Provisional Government, Blount made himself accessible. He obtained testimony from interviews, letters, affidavits, and other documents, but did not have subpoena power. However, historians note that there were "strange omissions" — Blount did not interview members of the Committee of Safety, and some questions were slanted to build a case for restoration of the queen.[3]:628
Blount delivered his report to President Cleveland on July 17, 1893 claiming improper U.S. backing for the overthrow had been responsible for its success, and concluded that the Provisional Government lacked popular support. On the basis of Blount's report, President Cleveland dismissed Stevens and began to secretly work towards the restoration of Liliʻuokalani and the constitutional monarchy, conditional upon amnesty to those responsible for the overthrow. The new Minister to Hawaii Albert Willis was unable to persuade the Queen to grant amnesty to the Committee of Public Safety, in return for the throne until December 18. Following this, Willis, acting on behalf of Cleveland, ordered provisional government President Sanford Dole to dissolve his government and restore the Queen. In a letter, Dole vehemently refused Cleveland's demand. The same day, President Cleveland delivered a message to Congress declaring the overthrow improper, calling it "an act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress."[4]
But for the notorious predilections of the United States Minister for Annexation (John L. Stevens), the Committee of Safety, which should be called the Committee of Annexation, would have never existed. But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property the committee would never have exposed themselves to the pains and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the Queen's Government. But for the presence of the United States forces in the immediate vicinity and in position to afford all needed protection and support, the committee would not have proclaimed the provisional government from the steps of the Government building.... But for the lawless occupation of Honolulu under false pretexts by the United States forces ... the Queen and her government would have never yielded.[5]
Following the Morgan's Report, David Turpie submitted a resolution for all foreign countries not to interfere with the threat of they being unfriendly to the U.S. if they did. Not even any U.S. official could interfere with the Hawaii incident. All had to back off ; if not, their actions would be considered unfriendly against the U.S. which could threaten peaceful relations. Cleveland then insisted a more democratic phrasing in the resolution which was included before the passage of the resolution. It read,"...Resolved. That of right-it-belongs wholly to the people of the Hawaiian Islands to establish and maintain their own form of government and domestic policy."
By 1897, the people overwhelmingly responded with the Ku'e Petitions against annexation in answer to the Turpie Resolution of 31 May 1894. Because of this, the Memorial, and the Queens formal protest; the second submission of a treaty of annexation was rejected by the U.S. Congress due to the lack of 2/3rds majority vote in order for it to be ratified. Hawaii celebrated at the news. The victory was short-lived when the U.S. unlawfully passed the Newlands Resolution and claimed it was lawful because the Republic of Hawai'i which had no backing of the people accepted the resolution. Up to today, there has never been a lawful treaty of annexation.
Under international law, the Kingdom of Hawai'i still exists and Hawai'i is still under U.S. belligerent occupation and subject to the law of occupattion. The fraud continues and the violations are ongoing. The Akaka Bill is a ruse to seal the taking of the Hawaiian Islands and have native Hawaiians comply to the U.S. WASP racist Manifest Destiny in becoming a tribal, indigenous group under U.S. plenary authority. Ultimately, this is so the Hawaii nationals would voluntarily give up their superior citizenship to the Hawaiian Kingdom and to surrender it to become wards of the U.S. as third-class citizens.
If we own the whole pie; why would we give it up freely to receive the unwanted crumbs that the U.S. will toss our way for it? No one in their right mind would accept that. The U.S. must de-occupy our country as demanded by international law.
Long live the Hawaiian Kingdom and its legitimate subjects.
On Sept. 25 at the Aha Kanaka Kuokoa when I made a presentation there, I told the people there that I felt that I was addressing our people of our nation, our Kingdom. I was so honored and a very special time in my life. As I knew that some day our people would Maka Ala to the Truth.
We are taking back our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom of Queen Liliuokalani and our ancestors.
Long LIve The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
Today many Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals are Standing Up and Protesting the Lawless Occupation of our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993