Aloha kakou,
Again, mahalo piha for those present and prayers at our Ku'e of the mockery of using the sacred aina of I'olani Palace for the circus of the Fake State Hawaii. Many have been critical of our intolerable attitude towards the new regime. Let us make one thing absolutely clear. This is not a new regime, from the time of appointed to elected governors, they represent the Corporation of the United States of America. They are not in any way new.
I am sick of so called Hawaiians telling you in your presence, you guys were pono for what we did, then behind your back when ask by an outsider, they change pono to "o No"
Anyone knowing of Hawaiian National's planning a action meeting for January 16 or 17, 2011, please let me know. January 16 is Sunday while January 17 is also the Fake State holiday for Dr. King.
I would like to attend such a meeting and participate in any Ku'e. We are a month away!
Fake State Legislature will be convene January 19, 2011 Wednesday.
mahalo piha,
The Hawaiian National's Kue that happened on Dec. 6 at the Front Gates of Iolani Palace continues to move forward with our mission of Total Independence for Hawaii.
Small in Numbers, but Mightly in Mana, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
January 16 is the anniversary date when United States in 1893 thru an "Act of War" invaded and occupied our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom. o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993.