Pilipo Souza here.
The Rail-Road has always been a scam. It is a scam to the people of Oahu,
just as the Akaka Bill is to the Native Hawaiians. But the same people are
the victims.
As I sat through several recent Council Hearings on the RAIL, I felt sorry
for you and your newly elected colleagues on the City Council. I have
watched you on the Makakilo N-Board Meetings for several years, you as a
resident of the area and as a Board Member. You have been one not to rubber
stamp any resolution or recommendation from the public or of that Board
without full disclosure. There is nothing wrong with being a "rubber stamp"
when the issue itself is Pono. The Rail is not. It was always a launching
"Political Platform" for Governor by Mufi Hanneman that got derailed namely
because the "crooks in the kitchen" changed the menu., and Abercrombie was
the main course. But it is based upon Deceit and Fraud, just as the Akaka
Bill has been since its inception in year 2000. And it will be the platform
of the present Mayor as he dances to Frank Delima's 2-2 jingles.
"Rail Tax" monies are being "marketed" to fool the very taxpayers of Oahu,
just as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is using Hawaiian Trust Funds
to promote the Akaka Bill as being vital to Federal recognition of Native
Hawaiians. These are 'legal scams". Not pono but will be legal! Just as the
overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation and its Annexation!
And If the Rail is built, it will become an amenity for Disney Resort and
the Ewa Marina. Tom, I believe you are a man of common sense. Twenty-one
stops in a twenty mile route is not mass transit. It is no more than a
horizontal elevator.
Additionally, it is of record that a minimum of (212) Kupuna Iwi burial
sites are within the corridor route of the Rail.. That could equate to
constructing a Off Ramp from Vineyard Blvd. through Punchbowl National
Cemetery to get to Papakolea Reservation.. Simply, asininity!
I beg you, for sanity. No miracles, just common sense. Please ask your
colleagues to defer further approval of the Rail until "full disclosure" is
of record and rescind their approval on the Rail. I believe the flat lands
of the Ewa Plain are more vital to the welfare self-sustaining agricultural
for all Hawaii nei.. The integrity of your colleagues and you is far more
worthy to the people you are serving than that of Nestor Garcia's part time
consulting job. Garcia should not be allowed to vote on Rail issues or
direct the issues of the the Rail as Chairman of the City Council of
Honolulu. What kind of legal advice are you getting from Corporate Counsel?
Lastly, don't let Carislie hoodwink you. He has been around the City
Prosecutors Office for more than twenty-five years and knows what's
"crooking and who are the crooks" in the kitchen?
I am forwarding your email to my "colleagues" and know some of them will
contact you.
malama i ka pono,
pilipo souza
Hawaiian National (1936)
From: <GM@HawaiiN.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:58 PM
To: <eric.siwy@gmail.com>
Cc: <vsc@hawaiiantel.net>
Subject: Tom Berg asks END to State's GROSS Money Grab of Oahu Rail Tax
> Aloha,
> West Oahu City Councilman Tom Berg asks your help in stopping the gross
> theft of Oahu taxpayers who are paying the rail tax. Did you know
> YOU BUY is being taxed to pay for rail.
> Did you know that, collecting a HUGE 10% GROSS, OFF THE TOP, the State has
> collected $300 million in Rail Tax MEANT FOR OAHU, and are spending it on
> any State-Wide project they desire!
> You are being TAXED and getting ZERO in return for it!
> Mayor Carlisle has NO PROBLEM with the State taking 10% off the top of
> Oahu's Taxes, so don't expect HIM to be looking out for Oahu Tax-Payers!
> ****************************************************************
> Aloha Friends and Neighbors:
> Our State government is overcharging taxpayers by $300 million over the
> life
> of the rail surcharge to collect the rail transit tax. This political ploy
> to profiteer off of taxpayers will shortchange the rail project of $300
> million needed for construction at a time when tax collections are down
> and
> federal funding for the rail project is less than assured.
> We can address this looting of the public treasury. On March 28th, the
> City
> Council's intergovernmental affairs committee unanimously approved my
> resolution http://www.councilmanberg.com/pdfs/RES11-091_CD1.pdf
> to urge the State Legislature to stop making money off the rail project.
> I am pleased to report that THIS WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 13TH, AT 8:30AM,
> the full City Council will be holding a special meeting to send a message
> to
> Democrat and Republican legislators that their scheme needs to end. For
> several years now,
> $16 million per year has been skimmed off the top by our state
> legislature,
> which has in turn been using the rail surcharge for neighbor island
> projects.
> Please call or e-mail members of the City Council
> http://www1.honolulu.gov/council/ccl.htm
> to help assure passage of Resolution 11-91 CD1 at Wednesday's special
> meeting.
> Better yet, please be there to speak in favor of final passage of this
> important measure.
> After Wednesday, we will turn our attention to influencing every member of
> the legislature (most of whom represent Oahu) over the weeks ahead to
> ensure
> that this systematic money grab comes to an end.
> For more details, please read my op-ed intended for publication in next
> week's Honolulu Star-Advertiser:
> http://www.councilmanberg.com/pdfs/StarAdvertiserExcusiveRailSurcharge.pdf
> Mahalo,
> Tom Berg
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