Beautiful sight: Pacific Voyagers sailing canoes enter Golden Gate
They're heeeeere: The six sailing canoes of the Pacific Voyagers expedition from New Zealand to California, meant to raise awareness of ocean issues, finally arrived in San Francisco Bay late yesterday afternoon after several days of waiting just outside for favorable winds. Now the crews are resting up and readying for Saturday's open house on Treasure Island from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the TI Building, 180 Lot California and Avenue C -- a great time to "talk story" with these traditional navigators. They'll also restage their grand entry into the bay around noon on Sunday, followed by ceremonial protocols and celebrations on Treasure Island starting around 1 p.m. (Be sure to follow the links for more information, including tonight's last chance to learn a welcoming chant.) I'll be interviewing members of the expedition later, too, but till then, enjoy these photos from reader Jennifer Villamin:
Jennifer Villamin
Jennifer Villamin