North Korea Condemns RIMPAC Wargames Off Hawaii

By Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea >> North Korea has repeated a regular accusation that the U.S. and South Korea are plotting to attack the North.

Pyongyang is pointing to ongoing U.S.-led multilateral military exercises off Hawaii.

The biennial Rim of the Pacific drills, or RIMPAC, involve warships from 14 nations, including South Korea, Japan and Australia.

The maneuvers that began last month and run until Aug. 1 include finding submarines, clearing mines and firing missiles.

North Korea's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper calls the actions "dangerous military provocations ... and reckless war maneuvers" with North Korea as their main target.


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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, It was wrong for United States to use Pearl Harbor to have United States to enter into WWII. It is HEWA today for United States to once more to use Pearl Harbor to make War On the World.

    KUE RIMPAC 2010, o Pomaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
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