After spending 10 months awaiting selection in the New Zealand parliament's lottery for Private Members Bills, Phil Twyford's draft bill for a depleted uranium ban has finally been selected for discussion. If it becomes law, the draft bill would introduce a general prohibition on the possession, use, sale, manufacture, testing and transit of all conventional munitions and armour containing uranium in New Zealand. Similar bills are at varying stages of development in Costa Rica and Ireland.
Twyford is the Associate Foreign Affairs Spokesperson on Disarmament and Arms Control for the opposition Labour party and is hopeful that the bill will attract cross party support. Previous reviews of the issue by the NZ government failed to back a precautionary ban but during the review process it emerged that the NZ Defence Force would support a ban.
In a statement, Phil Twyford said:"My Bill would prohibit depleted uranium weapons on the basis of the precautionary principle. The Belgians have done this, and the Irish Parliament is currently considering a similar Bill.
"I believe there is sufficient concern internationally about the health effects on people subjected to depleted uranium weapons that they should banned until independent scientific evidence proves they’re not responsible for unacceptable health problems, including birth defects.
"New Zealand should take a principled position on this and add our voice to the growing international campaign against depleted uranium weapons."
- Depleted Uranium Prohibition Bill
- 19 Kb - Format pdf
- Phil Twyford MP
- This Bill seeks to ban the possession, use, sale, manufacture, testing and transit of uranium in all conventional munitions and armour within New Zealand and by agents of the New Zealand Government.