ALOHA Kakou,  

     During the last days of Queen Liliokalani in 1917 she prophesied that " My Children's Children Will Riase Again."   There was no mentioned on this of Queen Liliuokalani at that Ahu at Iolani Palace yesterday.   A Day that was to remember the Life of Queen Liliuokalani. 

     I find that there is so much more that needs to be told of the Life of Queen Liliuokalani.   As there seems to be too much of what United States wants to be known of the life of

Queen Liliokalani.  

     That on January 17, 1983 Queen Liliokalani was overthrown.   United States not wanting the true fact that on Janauary 16, 1893 United States that an "Act of War" invaded and occupied the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani.  

     The True Fact that with the Invasion and Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the military forces of the United States there was No Overthrow.  

     Just as there was No Annexation and No Ceded Lands, there was No Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Nation.  That the Hawaiian Kingdom nation is a live. 

     A live in the many Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals of today's Hawaii.   Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals who say that they are Not Americans.  Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals of No Blood Quantum.  Hawaiian Kingdom National whose loyality is the Hawaiian Kingdom nation. 

Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalitst 1993

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  • Aloha kaua e Pomai.

    So glad you posted this.

    E malama pono.
    • love the video... seen some pics i never seen before... mahalo for shareing... long live our Queen... Liliuokalani
    • ALOHA Mai, e Ululani, Slowly her Children are Rising. All of her Children of today. We are Standing Up and taking back our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
      Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • What many Hawaiians don't know is, that we are spiritual first. agricultural second. That's what Kupuna say. If they know who they are, they would all be good. Liliu's prayer has always been noted in our family and we've bee n praying
    the same prayer and now, it's coming true. Look at the economic crash, weather, war abroad and upset in their own congress...losing support from the people. I would say that it's time for the US to get out of Hawai'i and take their military with them.

    • ALOHA Kaua, e Kawehi,
      At the Aha O Iolani meeting this past week, DLNR is will to work out something about us going to the Ahu at the Palace. There was talks about on certain days that we can go to the Ahu with No Permits. After much sharing of mana'o no actions were taken.
      I do not support that on certain days we can go to the Ahu with No Permit. As you know once we go into that American Box, THEY have control over us.
      My mana'o is that we just inform DLNR that we are going to the Ahu for Cultural reasons and that is IT.
      Like all Great Empires of the past, United States is Falling Down. The Whole World is Falling Down because of the United States and its Military Abruse Power.
      E Huki Pu Kakou, o Pomai
      • November 11, 2017 will be the 100 Anniverary passing of Queen Liliokalani. It is my hope that We will have our Kingdom back. If not by then, When?
        Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai

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