PONO ALERT: Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom

ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
Public Law 103-150 brought new hope to the Hawaiian Independent movement. New hope that standing on Public Law 103-150 United States would correct its wrongs of the past.
10 years have passed since the passage of Public Law 103-150. United States continues to violate the wrongs that it done beginning with the invasion of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation on January 16, 1893.
The Hawaiian Independent movement should and must go directly into Independence.
Those who are in the Hawaiian Independent movement organize themselves. Organize with Ohana within their Neighboring Islands. The People of each of the Neighboring Islands needs to work together as a people for Hawaiian Independence.
Hawaiian Independence begins with the people on each of the Neighboring Islands.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom,
o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993



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