Aloha e Annelle,
This is Kawehi Kanui, Po'o Hewahewanui 'Ohana Council, sends greetings and aloha,
The Native Hawaiian Advisory Council and the US military has shown it's true colors in the military issues as you are used to block and prevent the Restoration of Our government, according to the Cleveland-Liliuokalani agreement, purposefully hinders our struggle for independence and causes confusion, soon to be cleared up through education of our people.
Forty years ago, our movement started with 12 people, today the numbers are more closely to 12,000 and growing in America and the world.
At a meeting held last night in Waimanalo we came to these decisions regarding the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council and it's role with the US Army Hawai'i, that signed a, Covenant and what that means for allowing the Rimpac exercises, of the united 14 countries to destroy our cultural sites in the water and on the lands. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON ALL OF YOU for violating international laws of a neutral country according to Treaties, Constitution (1864), Conventions and Hawaiian laws.
Below are our points of contention.
First, We call for the HALT to these RIMPAC exercises because it will have a negative damaging affect on our cultural resources; lands, water, reef, fish life and heiau in the waters. (Who is monitoring this exercise to guarantee that all these things will not be harmed? Who is going to pay?) We insist that the US military use high tech military equipment to train their men instead of using our lands, waters and people against us, not to mention wasting taxpayers monies "to practice" for wars that invade, kill and mame innocent people.
Second, The Covenant signed by the US Army Military and the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council is just paper without weight and used against us in a psychological scheme to dupe the Hawaiians into believing that this foreign military would be better caretakers for our aina, wai and kai... we also, do not agree in your choices of Hawaiians to "represent" our voices...they do not believe in what we believe and they certainly do not represent our community or speak for us and as far as we are concerned, these individuals are proud Americans and that is a conflict of interest making your Covenant a non-issue.
Thirdly, The arrogance of those who signed the Covenant with the military who refuses to listen to the people in Makua, when they said, "stop the bombings and live fire in the valley and pack it up", still the military turns a deaf ear and blind eye to what our people are meaning when they say, "Stop military use in Makua Valley" instead, the military plans to start up their live firing on August 31st, and to all of these issues your group remains silent, is deafening to our people.
Fourthly, the US military is asking for more land. They should not be given an inch until they clean up the oceans, lands and dumpings they have left on our lands that have polluted and is causing further desecration to our oceans, fish ponds, Kauhale sites, iwi kupuna, sacred sites and lo'i lands ruining the lives and livelihoods of our people/ancestors past and present not to mention the medias promotion and usurpation of our young people's future to fight your wars for the multinational corporations who are the exploiters of our lands, while our people are; homeless, on drugs, uneducated, unemployed and in prison. We need every inch for our people, businesses and play areas. They have first priority, not the US Military, in Hawai'i.
Fifthly, we call for a moratorium of foreigners wanting to live in our lands, without our permission, because we are an island with limited water, resources and infrastructure. STOP all foreigners from moving to Hawai'i to feed into the Ewa plans of expansion to 80,000 more people by 2014, is irresponsible, short sighted and is based on money and greed.
Sixth, we call upon another moratorium towards ending all construction in Hawai'i such as the Rail Project from receiving 5.5 million dollars, but to give it to the re-education, re-tooling and restructuring of the economic needs of Hawai'i with a group looking into economic community development plans.
Inspite of our differences, our relationship right now is for the protection of our people who met and agreed that I write to you and to prepare your for a real live protest demonstration. Know that we do come in peace, with our flags, banners and chanters. We expect you to relay this letter to your superiors so they can prepare to behave as adults.
In closing we protest the RIMPAC exercises, IN PEACE, and ask that you respect our ancestors and 'ohana rights held in Hawaiian law and seek your assistance for a peaceful protest. My number is above.
Kawehiokalaninui-I-iamamao Kanui
The rammifications is similar to the Gulf oil spill. Damages cannot be undone and healing of the territory will take much longer if it is salvageable. Aready, conditions that exist today, never existed when I was born in the early forties; things were much better then environmetally. We were a tighter and friendlier community back then; everyone smiled and greeted each other daily; contrary to how people treat each other today which is so foreign.
I'll be happy to see the U.S. de-occupy our national territory and fight their wars elsewhere and train within their own country to protect and defend their corporations whom their troops fight for their freedom of enslaving people.