ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
KAOHI is like a native Hawaiian Coconut!
Brown on the Outisde of her BROWN SKIN and Holy Pure White inside of her Mind Set!
KAOHI loves the Hawaiian By Blood World that she lives in!
Allowing KAOHI to Bitch and Complain as a native Hawaiian and a Brown Skin Woman!
Well KEEP on Bitching and Complaining like the OLD LuLu BELL of the Demorcrat Party that KAOHI has always been happy EATTING the FAT OFF of their Table!
Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomai
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
History is being made today.
Unlike in the past, Hawaiian Nationals are rising up to the Truth of the wrongs of the past.
Hawaiian Nationals with their loyality to the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Hawaiian Nationals wanting to correct the wrongs of the past.
Hawaiian Nationals that will not be a part of the FRUAD Actions of the Fake State!
Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993
OLD LuLu BELL KAOHI lays an EGG, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pray all YOU like, LoLo.......................... as your Prayers are Worthless EGGS...................