ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

       KAOHI is like a native Hawaiian Coconut!

       Brown on the Outisde of her BROWN SKIN and Holy Pure White inside of her Mind Set! 

       KAOHI loves the Hawaiian By Blood World that she lives in!

       Allowing KAOHI to Bitch and Complain as a native Hawaiian and a Brown Skin Woman! 

       Well KEEP on Bitching and Complaining like the OLD LuLu BELL of the Demorcrat Party that KAOHI has always been happy EATTING the FAT OFF of their Table!

       Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomai

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  • OLD LuLu BELL KAOHI continues to Lay her EGGS......................
  • pomai is MR. KINNY and he is an American Citizen Resident.........on our Sacred Hawaiian Kingdom Island.....becoming a Hawaiian National in 1993..........please do not be giving out certificates to outside foreigners........cause for me once one Native Hawaiian Kanaka are always one Native Hawaiian Kanaka if butts or need one become one hawaiian national......1993......whats up with that.........lets Lead with the Right Intent-----to know who you are and where you belong, period..........NO either one Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli or not...NO imitations........for The Kingdom of Hawaii needs to be Long Lived by the minds of our Royal Heirs and Loyal Kingdom Subjects of Native Hawaiians always REMEMBER, REMOVE, REPLACE all others that falsely represented our Royal Hawaiian Kingdom Government in Hate and Anger......IMUA....we need to move forward and away from the false fake kupuna's made up of certified hawaiian nationals......for i believe once a wolf always a can not certified a wolf to be a SHEEP~
  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

                 History is being made today. 

                 Unlike in the past, Hawaiian Nationals are rising up to the Truth of the wrongs of the past.

                 Hawaiian Nationals with their loyality to the Kingdom of Hawaii.

                 Hawaiian Nationals wanting to correct the wrongs of the past. 

                 Hawaiian Nationals that will not be a part of the FRUAD Actions of the Fake State!  

        Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993

  • OLD LuLu BELL KAOHI lays an EGG, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • KUE
  • pomai.....the toes of your kupuna wahine is in the GRAVE........believe me i have my own Royal Kupuna Wahine WARRIORS of TRUTH.....and your toes will soon be with your kupuna wahine......go ahead pomai and bring it on.....for my Sacred Kupuna's no die they still lives in always REMEMBER, REMOVE, REPLACE and soon i will REJOICE with my ANCESTORS.....please i pray for their breath of life to EXPOSE the HEWA on my Kingdom Hawaiian Islands......mauruuru da princess of maui nui
    • Pray all YOU like, LoLo.......................... as your Prayers are Worthless EGGS...................


  • these nauty doggies only talk about the past that we already know of.........these doggies need new tricks in my generation to deal with this illegal system to IMUA and motivate us and our coming future........IMUA means move forward and we can not if there is on RESOLUTIONS to move forward, hummmmmmmm??????.......we need to retrain and teach our new and improved tricks of the trade to IMUA......always to REMEMBER.....REMOVE.....REPLACE.......and only then we can REJOICE in Peace and Freedom for our Country of our Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government........mauruuru......da princess of maui nui
    • STOP YOUR B.S. and LIES with ALL YOUR FAT and NO MEAT to what you and KAOHI say and do!  2671088405?profile=original
  • and yes, i am the egg that will blend the Truth of the discuss.....that we have had to deal with and yet NO RESOLUTIONS till today in my generation but BICKING, DIVISIONS, HATE, ANGER (just listen to pomai and amelia), dogs that can not learn new tricks to do the job right......well said by my daddy......and i get to expose the nauty doggies (smiles)....thank you my filipino, chinese and spanish daddy for all your wisdom to Breathe Life of this is the time to Kukanaka (stand tall) and face these doggies that needs a SPANKING.......mahalo Ke Akua for his great Leadership to know good from bad and right from wrong.......mauruuru.....da princess of maui nui
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