ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
Please join us this sunday at the ahu at noon, on the palace grounds. and bring chairs or mats to sit on, and food to share!
In celebration of "LĀ KU‛OKO‛A" Hawai‛i Independence Day
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Ahu at ‛Iolani Palace grounds
Noon – 4 pm
Free parking on the Palace grounds
[no driving or parking on the grass, please!]
Speakers include:
Dr. Niklaus Schweizer
History of Lā Ku‛oko‛a and Its Importance Today
Puuhonua Bumpy Kanahele, Nation of Hawai‛i
Unification Via Participation: How a Constitutional Convention Can Help Empower All Hawaiians [to be confirmed]
Leon Siu, Foreign Minister, Ke Aupuni o Hawai‛i
Unification on the Ground: Asserting Hawaiian Identity, One Person at a Time
Tom Lenchanko, ‛Aha Kukaniloko
Nā Kūpuna as the Basis of the Lāhui – Moving Forward in Unity
It’s a potluck!
Bring food to share & mats or chairs to sit on
Two activities
Cleaning of the burial mound & an exercise in healing wounds of the past
For more information:
Email, or phone 284-3460
Sponsored by:
Ka Lei Maile Ali‛i Hawaiian Civic Club,
Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance,
Ka Pākaukau,
Pro-Kanaka Maoli Independence Working Group, Kōmike Tribunal
KU I KA PONO, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom Nationalist Royalist 1993