August 30,2000


Reprsetnative Ben Nighthorse Camphell

Chairman, Committee On Indian Affafirs

and Committee Members, United States Congress


ALOHA Kakou,

     My name is Richard Pomaikaiokalani Kinney.  I am an Indigenous decendant of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  The nation that President Clinton and the members of the  Congress of United States reconized in Pulblic Law 103-150. 

     On behalf of my ancestors who signed the Kue Anti-Annexation Petitions of 1898, both sides of my parents and of my family today I asked this committtee to withold this bill from any type of consideration of approval. 

     Thru the Joint Resolution of Annexation the national lands of the Hawaiians Kingdom were unlawfully ceded to the Unites States as a special trust.   The United States accepting the ownership of all public, government and crown lands, but provided that the existing laws of the United States realting to public lands would not apply and the Congress "shall enact special laws for the management and disposition."

     These provision collectively were held by the Attorney General of the United States as creating a "special Trust" of the ceed lands, the federal government holding only a naked titlte to those lands.

     The Organic Act of 1900, the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920 and the Admission Act of 1959 were all acts of Congress recongizing the "Special Trust" of the managing of the nationsl lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

     Today, the indigenous people of the Hawaiian Kingdom are the only recongized indigenous beneficary of any State's Admission's Act and Constitution.

     On the annexation of the Hawaii by the United States in 1959 1,800,000 acres made up the public lands.   Since Statehood in 1959 close to 1,700,000 acres of the turst lands have been tranferred to the State of Hawaii to administrate under the trust provisions of its Admission Act.

     The intent of this bill is to unlawfully relinquished both the federal and state governments from the "Special Trust" management of the National Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom. 

     The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act will be terminated in its entirety.  The Admisssion Act will be unlawfully ameded and relinquihing the State from is "Special Trust" managing provision of the the act.   Allowing the State of Hawaii to privatize its management of the pulbic lands. 

     Native Hawaiians will once more be Wards of the federal government and landless at the same time,

     When Queen Liliuokalani yeilded her authority to the spuperior foce of the United States on Janaury 17, 1893, she has high hopes that after facts presented to Congress, the United States would undo the actions of its represnetatives. 

     This bill perpetuates the wrongs of the overthrow of my country, the Hawaiian Kingdom. It further relinquishes any and all breach of trust commited by the federal and state governments in its management of the National Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a "Special Trust."  

     As mentioned in Public Law 103-150, the Supreme Court Ruling in the Rice v. Cayatano case and in the languzage of this bill, United States signed Three Treaties with the Hawaiian Kingdom. 

     Article VI of the Constitution of the United States reccognized these Three Treaties as the Suprement Law of the Land.  The Three Treaties are still binding in law. 

     This bill violates Article VI of the Unied States Constitution that all of you have swore to uphold as members of Congress.

     It is your duty ot recognize the international realtionship that the United States signed with the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1826, 1842, 1849, 1975 and 1887.

     Unlike the treaties that the American Indians who were forced to sign with the United States as defeated nations, the Hawaiian Kingdom was a nation at peace with the United Stattes.  Equal to the United States in standing as a Free, Sovereign and Independent nation with signed treaties to many nation of the Free World of Nations.

     Federal recogntion as Native Americans will require that I and my family to relinquish our Inherent Soverignty to the National Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  

     I and my family will never turn our backs on Queen Liliuokalani, our ancestors and relinquish our Inherent Soveriegnty to Hawaii as a defeated nation to United States. 

     Hawaii is our ancestral homeland and country. 

     Hawaii Ponoi is our National Nathem.  

     Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono speaks of Hawaiian Sovereignty over Hawaii. 

     Uphold the integrety of your country.   One hundred and seven years of Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.  



Richard Pomakiaokalani Kinney, SOVEREIGN 

Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii  



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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
    Over 10 years ago I gave that speech above at the only Public Hearing on the AKaKa BILL. Today I still stand Pono with that speech that I made at that only public hearing on the AKaKa BILL.
    During my presentation of my presentation of my testimony on the AKaKa BILL, Senator Akaka ended the public hearing. Ending the only public hearing on the AKaKa BILL in Hawaii. I was not allowed to finished my testimony to the committee at that time.
    The picture below is of me holding the National Flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani and our ancestors at that public hearing. To my left sitting on the table is the Congress Delegate from Samoa.
    Many Hawaiians felt that I would be arrested going up by the table of the Congress Representatives holding the National Flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom. As needless to say there were many Police Officers all around that public hearing.
    From the very beginning of the making of the AKaKa BILL I opposed that Bill. Beginning with the public hearing at the State Legislature. Many times I was the only Hawaiian there opposing the AKaKa BILL. While many Hawaiians were there supporting the AKaKa BILL.
    Many times standing alone but PONO in my continued support of Queen Liliuokalani and our ancestors who signed and opposed the Annexation of Hawaii to the United States.
    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
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