JANUARY 31, 2011




Hawaiian Nationals Speak Up


HONOLULU, the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS -  The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals have joined today's protest to stop the posposed rail transit system for Honolulu because we believe the system will be contrary and injurious to the interests of the Hawaiian Kingdom and its Nationals. 

Here are some of the reasons.

     1.   The Hawaiian Kingdom is in the process of being restored as the lawful political authority for the Hawaiian Islands.  The State of Hawaii and its corportate subsidiaries like the City and County of Honolulu, will be phased out shortly.


     2.   The proposed rail would be built on lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom and Hawaiian Nationals without the consent of those landowners.


     3.   The lands contain the bones and remains of our ancestors that should be treated with respect and remain undistrubed. 


     4.  The cost of building the project and maintianint it will create an unbearable economic burden that would be transferred to the shoulders of the peple of the Hawaiian Kingdom when the country is restored.  



Richard Pomakiaiokalani Kinney. Hawaiian National

Hawaiian Nationals and the people of Hawaii can not afford the building of the Rail.   The future cost of maintaining the Rail will be unbearable.   As a Hawaiian National my main concern is the disruption and desecration of the Iwi of Hawaiian Nationals.   The dishonoring of the Hawaiian Nationals of the past and present that needs to be STOPPED. 


Pilipo Souza - Hawaiian National

This is just antoher example of rampant disregard that authroities of the City and County, the fake State of Hawaii and the United States have for the lands and the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom that is on the verge of being restored as the lawful government of Hawaii 



Pilipo Souza

Phone - (808) 358-6428

Email - pilipohale@hawaii.rr.com





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