Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
September 2, 2011 is Queen Liiu'okalani's birthday. Anakala Kahumoku will again honor the Queen with a protocol and pa'ina on Friday, at 4 PM. Bring a Ho'okupu, a song , a poem or just ho'o maika'I .
We will kahea at 4PM. Oh! this is "BYOC"  (Bring Your Own Chair) affair. The lua will be open.
September 4, 2011 (Sunday) with we will do the Kupuna Ku'e Declaration at 9:00 AM. Kalei Maile Ali'I HCC will also be doing the Queen 's Women at 1PM in the Archives Bldg.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)

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