Aloha no e Hawaii au,
How many of you recalled the ole Robert "Lucky" Luck saying, "Lucky, you live in Hawaii!"
Lucky indeed we are? We no moa tornado and crazy people running around state to state with guns and bombs in their pockets? White men with hooded white sheets over their heads looking for trees to hang Black men. women and children. Lucky we live in Hawaii! Isolated by twenty-five hundred miles of ocean in any direction from contamination? The only threat of pollution is what we generate?
And now, the first day of Summer is just around the corner. Doom's Day came and got rescheduled but Camp FEMA is open to the Public. "Summer Camp for Life". Due to the economy Obama's Youth Corp of 2010 is growing in leaps and bounds, almost as fast as Hitler's Youth Corp of 1939. If Obama gets his second term Obama's Youth Corp will be as "indoctrinated" as Hitler's Ayran Race. Indoctrinated to what can not be any question for the answer is obvious for those who want to see. Everything that Hitler did was legal under German Law. Everything Obama is doing meets U. S. Congressional approval, not the Constitution of the United States of America. How can that be you say? Just as there are two you and me.
"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" (Adolph Hitler)
Ordo Ab Chaos, chaos mandates order, is said to be the foundation of the New World Order. Who or what is creating chaos? Who has has the capacity to mandate order in the World? The Masonic Order? The Vatican? International Bankers? The United Nations?
With the up coming 2012 USA elections festering, pay close attention to what the incumbents and seekers have been doing and not what they will say! Political parties are just varied labels bearing the same product. No candidate of any political party is saying anything about stopping the UN World Order, nor is the Republican Controlled U. S. Congress stopping Mr. Obama. Why? Because he is half Black? Or is it because the United States of America has been under Martial Law since 1933 when National Emergency was officially declared by removing the its currency off of gold standard and its U. S. citizens declared "Enemy of State" under the amended "Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917" (Lucky you live Hawaii)
Prior to 1933, the Constitutional United States of America also became the Corporation United States of America in 1871. The U. S. Constitution restricted its government of namely commerce and standing militia while the USA, Inc. became a free for not all but just some while all their U. S. citizens pays for conducting the business of the Corporation. The Patriot Act by Bush and Obama proof enough that labels don't matter.
I suggest all seeking truth look at the article "The Constitution is Dead" by Al Duncan at http;// 116.htm , and you will know why ,"lucky we Hawaiian Nationals" . Mahalo piha King Kamehameha the Great and King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli for our makana!.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiiaqn National (1936)
Restore the Kingdom of Hawaii,