PONO ALERT: Hawaiian National Pilipo Speaks!

Aloha kazoo, he Hawaii au,
Sorry most did not make April 16 but that's life. There was only four of us there.
We can not fault each other for not making meetings but we must understand, that for us to be more effective we must be more dedicate. 
The only reason the Committee of Safety was successful was they were more committed to their cause than the Hawaiian Monarchy and its people were to prevent it. The Committee of Safety was around when King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli toyed with annexation in 1850's. The Honolulu Rifles was a honored vigilante armed force of "white" men who entertained the "Royals" with their precision drills and formations when all the time the "Royals" were the target. The year 1893 was just the final curtain on the stage of fraud with the United States of America in supporting role.    
Any mindful person would realize an all "white militia" in a "brown world"  practicing in your backyard is not pono. Most of these "Riflemen were Germans and yes there was a Company of the Pukiki too! 
Most of us under estimate the task at hand. The Hawaiian Nation will not be given back to the its rightful people. The self-destruction of the United States is essential to the restoration of the the Hawaiian Nation.  America is falling!. And don't cut them short for there may be even another Pearl Harbor just as the first one was staged to place fear into the people that there must be a military presents in the Hawaiian islands for our own good.
We strongly believe 2011 is crucial to the restoration of the Hawaiian Nations but we can not count on "federalized" native Hawaiian to be with us. We are alone, yet lawfully even if one of us is standing, that individual is a Hawaiian National. 
During our April 16 kuka we agreed how vital it is to add Hawaiian Nationals to our ranks. One preemption of restoration is we will be asked by the International authorities, "just how many people are Hawaiian Nationals? Being on a homestead or pastoral lands raising pipi does not make one a Hawaiian National, they are "federalized" but won't admit it. Anything in their system makes you "federal property". Nou ke koho, the choice is yours but don't prevent our choice.
In the second week of November, the APEC Conference is meeting in Honolulu.  We must Ku'e their presence and tell them they are dealing with applications and ventures in Fraud and are not dealing with the Lawful Hawaiian Nation. We are suggesting creating a new political entity, Hawaiian Nationalist Party, and sign up people based upon their Birthright to this Aina. No blood quantum or genealogy, just Birthright. We are looking at two Saturdays a month or ten Saturdays before November. We will commence this effort on Memorial Day (May 28-30) weekend.
We must meet to finalize our strategy and resources on April 30 (Saturday) 10:00 AM at Blasdell Park. Bring something to eat and share with another person. I will bring bottled drinking water for all.
Many will expound, I am a Hawaiian! You may be Hawaiian but not a Hawaiian National for we all have been trick to play in their game and have a known or unknown "tracking record". And many Hawaiians have thrown this in my face, "What I going get being a Hawaiian National'? All I can say is, "truth honors your Tutus, your peace of mind, and a pay raise".  
For more information on Hawaiian National go to www.hawaiiankingdom.net
Please dwell upon this and let me know your manna's via the net and confirm you will be at April 30 meeting.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)         

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  • I like the idea with the following comments:  1) APEC probably already knows... and 2) I am not a Hawaiian National by birth right - no blood quantum - no lineage that I know of - but I am as much a national if not more than most with the proper birth right.   I would hate to be excluded - perhaps there could be exceptions similar to those that King Kam had in the constitution for citizenship.  ???



      ALOHA Mai, e Maria,

               By Choice you can become a Hawaiian National.  You have the Human Right to having a Nationality!  That is Your Birth!   The Choice is yours!  FREE HAWAII, o Pomai


    ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

           To Be or Not To Be A Hawaiian National is Your Choice!  

           For me I made that Choice on January 17, 1993 when I renounced my citizenship to the United States.

           Soon my Hanai and I will be getting our Hawaiian Nationals I.Ds.  

           Unlike me, my Hanai will retain his citizenship to the United States.  Holding Duel Citizenship as a Hawaiian National. 

           I SUPPORT the Choice of my Hanai to hold Duel Citizenships as a Hawaiian National.  As I SUPPORT all who sign up as Hawaiian Nationals and want to Hold Duel Citizenships!   That is their Right and their Freedom of Choice! 

           Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai

    • I agree also - especially remembering how the feds and State have made the people so dependent - specifically with medical care - every Hawaiian on dialysis is dependent on the US/State Gov't for life support inasmuch as Queen Emma's trust was raped.  Dual citizenship seems mandatory for these types of nationals.  Just my opinion. 



      • Ae,  e Maria,

                Making the Choice that I did in renoucing my Citizenship to the United States and living IT, is not an easy Choice for many people to take in today's Hawaii!  

                As a Hawaiian National the loyality of my Hanai will be the Hawaiian Kingdom of Queen Liliuokalani and our ancestors who signed the Kue Petitions of 1897!  

               FREE HAWAII, o Pomai

  • I'll Bring a Pumpkin Pie!  o Pomai
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