Aloha kakou e Hawaii au,
I thought I would share this with People of Pono. This treatise is being sent out to U.S. Army Pacific in a land incident concerning aha Kukaniloko at Helemano. The Army claims they "own the land"  and we say no you don't. This all based upon the fraudulent Hawaii Treaty of Annexation. The U. S. Army does have a treaty but with the Fraudulent Republic of Hawaii. Of course, the Army will not admit they bought stolen property for no lawful entity would buy stolen goods.
For some of you you may already have this, e kala mai. But it affords you an understanding of what is daily going on.
malama pono,
Hawaiian National (1936) 

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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

           The Army like Kaohi does not OWN Hawaiian Nationals Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  The Army and Kaohi are coming from the same HEWA American Laws!  

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai

    • hi Pomai,


      Agree with you.................


      Kaohi does not seem to understand that there are many people living on Hawaiian Homes who were given tracts of land because they helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani.........


      It was only a few years ago that Linda Lingle passed a law to "grandfather" those treasonous persons and remove the condition of proof/verifying their blood/blood-quantum.


      The blood-quantum is an American/Amerikkkan set of laws, introduced through the defrauding of the American Indians...........the desired effect was that the native peoples would no longer be......because the blood thinning would continue and the land would be for all..........


      Some people cannot seem to get it............. even though the truth is documented.......hmmmm.............


      Documenting Truth because


      Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!




      eyes 068

      Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

      Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

      2 years ago 4,201 views

      • ALOHA Mai, e Amelia,  

               I have never seen Kaohi STAND PONO for the Right of the native Hawaiians.  She Talks a lot, but there is NO WALKING of the TALK!  

               She has told lots of Pilau Lies about me.   She likes to Twist the Truths to those who do not know me and what I have done for our people!   

               I got arrested for native Hawaiian rights to  HAWAIIAN HOMES!   I got Ohana that lives on Hawaiian Homes!  

              I'll never forgive Kaohi for the Pilau Lies that she have said about me.  

              I DO NOT GO TO Pono's Home because of Kaohi....................... I stay away from Pono as much as I can because I do not want Pono telling Kaohi things about ME.

             Pono and I are GOOD Friends and that's all we ARE!   If you don't believe me, Ask Pono about ME?   

             ALOHA Nui, o Pomai


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