Aloha kakou, he Hawaii au,
You guys missed one good meeting. Good meeting are becoming scarce, so take advantage when can!
e kala mai but what I am about to speak about is hewa. Of recent, I've been recalling  of Lucky Luck and Auntie Genoa theme, "lucky we live Hawaii" Tonight, I write of 'damn shame you Hawaii". The very crap I spoke of that we of Hawaii nei should be proud and thankful for has surfaced its cowardly head in our back yard, just as the KKK in the USA.. The nightmare of the Rail has started and it isn't the tax burden. It is worst! It is our people against our people! hewa!.  
Wednesday night Town Hall Meeting by Councilman Berg was good. Peak estimated crowd was about 200. Dr. Panos gave an informed analogy presentation on Facts and Figures based upon comparative documented references that the most illiterate could comprehend. Compared to Pamos data, figures don't lie, only liars who figure is an understatement. The Rail is no more than a money making scheme for certain partys in position to direct and control at the expense of taxpayers, no different than What the U. S. Congress is doing on a daily basis. In locating Ewa Makai Middle School, I had be there before dark so I would not get lost. I am still in awe by the amount of residents now at Kapolei/Ewa for I believe it now surpasses that of Kahalu'u, Kaneohe, Kailua and Waimanalo together. And with Ho'opili, is destined for 65,000 additional residential unit? With that congestion the residents will need four Rails to get in and out of the area.
In a Tsunami, it would take them several days to get where? And the "CityFathers" did not want another bad planned Waikiki?? Compared to Kapolei now and Ho'opili, Waikiki is country?   
Besides, the people of the Kapolei/Ewa should be asking the "CityFathers" about the thousands of jobs that convinced them that the Kapolei/Ewa development was pono? They should be questioning themselves on "why am I still going into Honolulu to work"?   
Moreover, the Ewa Plain is known prime high production agriculture land. The additional development in the area is to plant toilets so the government can harvest (tax) okoles! Sustainability? Of what? Greed! Rich or poor, Hawaiian or otherwise, we live in the same aquarium with a limited capacity.  
In the mid 1960's Frank F. Fasi spoke about Mass Transit when he served on the City Council of Honolulu and as Mayor of Honolulu in 1970's a Light-Rail Honolulu Area Rapid Transit (HART) System from Waikiki to Aloha Stadium was highly probable with 75% Federal Funds while the Ewa Plain was still burning cane. But because it was a Fasi's Idea the well entrenched political power could not let that be. Then Jeremiah Harris added a "I want to be Governor" tune to the Mass Transit in mid 1980's, and in mid 1990's to build his Empire. Councilman Mufi, waiting for his turn to take the stage of Mayor added a couple of verses and changed the beat in early 2000 trying restore the Empire. And now, Carliar, who for 14 years as City Prosecutor knows who and where all the crooks are takes Office as the Mayor and condones theft and fraud only for lying is not a crime.
What started as a good dream for the people of Oahu, will if not stopped, has become a perpetual nightmare for their children and grandchildren to come. There were approximately, 50 "Go Rail Now" people there Wednesday night in  opposition and having understandable concerns of jobs? These construction jobs may be for seven or ten years but the pain and burden of "nightmare transit taxation" will not cease. 
Like many I am retired, a 74 year old on a fixed income. No one will hire me for I am too old and a hazard on the job. Plus, I forgot what I knew. The only way I can conserve my income is spend only what I need and go without wants. To increase my income I can only steal, lie or commit fraud like the very government that wants more tax revenue. I know I rightly deserve a Cadillac ST but I get along with my 2003 Kia.
But the nightmare has already started. It started the day the people were lied to with Mayor Mufi's Office "engineered consent" propaganda using the people's taxed dollars against half of the people. Wednesday night Town Hall (15th) the elements of ignorance raised its head again, not to speak but to damage private property of Dr. Keoni Dudley. Dr. Dudley four day new BMW was "keyed scratched" down most of the passenger side. There is no doubt the culprit knows who Dr. Dudley is and soon we will know who that person or persons are. This is just the beginning. We must be maka'ala (vigil) and oni'pa'a (stand) together for the worst is yet to come..
There is nothing wrong with opposition. Because of opposition, I am more educated man instead of the indoctrinated man I was. But these types of cowardly acts most not be condone on both sides of the track. This action could have cause very serious confrontations. The reason we are against the Rail is because the whole concept is based upon lies and fraud. It is no different than the alleged overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani and our Hawaiian Nation. No differ than the lies, coercion, threat, duress and fraud of the so-called Republic of Hawaii and all its hanau siblings of today. If anyone noticed anyone hanging around vehicles in the parking lot of Ewa Makai Middle School that night please come forward.
Eala e, Hawaii! We are doing to each other what they planned for us to do! Hilahila!
mahalo piha
pilipo souza
Hawaiian National (1936),

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