Aloha Hawaiian Nationals!

This is our opportunity! After crying ‘foul’ for the 10 years that the Akaka bill was deliberately kept out of our reach in Washington DC, we now have it in our home court! Let’s pull together, rise to the occasion, take the 10 frustrating years of being muzzled and focus on defeating the implementation of this disgusting tribal government scheme and set our nation free.

HB1520 (or whatever they end up calling this ‘fake state’ version of the Akaka bill after Abercrombie signs it) is a travesty. It is a desperation move to extend the illegal occupation of our nation (by the US) and in the process, snuff out our nation. We Hawaiian Nationals definitely need to challenge and defeat this end-run maneuver the Americans are trying to make with HB1520. Fortunately, as dangerous at it is, HB1520 makes a point-blank target to focus our fire.

Not only should we have a strong protest demonstration at the signing ceremony on July 6 at Washington Place, but over the coming months we have to sound the alarm, mount a full-court press, mobilize the patriots and challenge this state-initiated Akaka scheme at every opportunity. Hawaiian Nationals need to show up at every community meeting, hearing, commission meeting, etc. Our voice of staunch opposition needs to be all over the media.

Hawaiian Nationals (and all friends to our nation), let’s put together a multi-faceted, comprehensive campaign to stop this threat and turn it around into a call to Free Hawaii.

Malam pono,

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