As reported on Monday, two ‘Akaka bill’ clones (genetically modified and reconstituted for state consumption), SENATE BILL 1 (SB1) and SENATE BILL 1520 (SB1520) were blindly rubber-stamp-approved by the Senate Ways and Means committee.
The bills now go to the full Senate for a final floor vote (called “third reading”). If they pass the Senate, they cross over to the House for its approval.
Despite the fact that the full Senate will likely pass these bills, we still need to turn out in large numbers to make them aware of our opposition. We cannot allow the senators to skate by with passing such travesties against Hawaiians and all who live in Hawaii.
A display of strong resistance will let the House of Representatives (where this bill is headed next) know that they are in for a fight in getting any Akaka bill clone passed.
As we learned in the 11-year campaign to stop the Akaka bill, reason, common sense and even constitutional law have no effect on those lawmakers intent on keeping Hawaii under US rule. Since Hawaii legislators are not listening to reason, the only way we can stop them is through ‘procedures’ (rules, technicalities, etc.) and political pressure (self-preservation, saving face, doubt, caution...).
Our plan to stop these bills is to mobilize enough opposition to paralyze the legislature from doing their work on other more pressing matters. We need to convince them that this Native Hawaiian tribal nation scheme is so disliked that it will drag out and cost them dearly in terms of legislative time, staff and resources...and possibly the future of their careers (“Is this the hill you want to die on?”).
Immediate action:
1. Call all Senators and tell them to vote no on SB1 and SB1520, the “First Nation,” tribal government schemes. If they pass out of the Senate, call each House member a tell them to vote NO.
2. Get your testimonies ready. Be ready to send your testimony in at a moment’s notice... and then be there at the hearings to present them in person. (see sample testimonies attached)
Keep your testimony simple and to the point (see sample ‘talking points’ below). Now is not the time to preach or ‘educate.’ They are not listening. The legislators need only know that there is fierce opposition to these bills.
Below are the four strongest talking points for your testimony. Pick one or two or use all four. “I am opposed to SB1 and SB1520 because...”
- The State of Hawaii has no constitutional power to form a new “indigenous” “First Nation” government. Nothing in the State or Federal constitutions give the State of Hawaii the authority to form a new “nation” within the “state.” Thus, if passed, these new fake “nation” entities will be ruled unconstitutional by the courts.
- This will plunge the State of Hawaii into chaos. It will be divisive and extremely disruptive pitting Hawaiians against each other; Hawaiians against non-Hawaiians; families against families. It would create conflicting jurisdictions between the “Native Hawaiian” tribal government, the State government and the US government.
- The State of Hawaii is in a terrible financial crisis. Making the people of Hawaii pay an unspecified hundreds of millions of tax dollars to implement a rogue tribal governing entity is irresponsible, immoral and illegal. It would be far better use tax dollars to fund the critical needs of current services and infrastructure in Hawaii.
- The legislature hasn’t spent the time to carefully consider the ramifications. Prematurely rushing through SB1 and SB1520 with so many more pressing, critical matters, would be a serious waste of time. It would also violate the people’s right to participate in the democratic, decision-making process. Before passing something that would so drastically alter the State’s governing structure, the legislature needs to defer action; take at least a year to hear what the people in our communities have to say, carefully study all the factors and ramifications...then make a decision.
Let’s all kokua by monitoring the situation and sounding the alarms to rally the troops as necessary.
Malama pono,