E kala mai. First sentence of my view of current Hawaii Fake State Legislature's Damage Control for the sinking U. S. S. Akaka  was suppose to be "haven't seen" instead of "have seen".
I must not get so frustrated on these issues that my sentence structures some time do not match my chain of thought and should remember "the Invader and its allies do not know what they are doing"? Bull shit! They do want they do because they believe the Court System is their immunity and all of us against them are full of shit.
Throughout my years in the movement of pono, I must credit the very system we are trying to terminate, for I have learned two things well, how to cook frogs without them knowing they are the dinner and how to make sugar from shit. But it also makes me feel warm and fuzzy for I also know I am not alone.
Mahalo for being there too!
Hawaiian National (1936)  









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