PONO ALERT: Hawaiian National Pilipo Speaks

Aloha kakou,
Just another update of the hewa before us. We have always been up against forces of po (darkness). The Ali'I were intrigued by this supernatural power beyond  bloodlines that was brought forth by Secret Societies that came before and with American Board of Missions. Monarchs of the world controlled the masses with this mystic realm. As a believer of Iesu Kristo, I have wondered of biblical versions that promote one people over others, and of one nation over another nation, all based upon syndrome of Good and Evil. The Christian Bible speaks of Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac among people, all being brothers. Religions of Man create the scenario as with Christian against Non Christian yet all seem to be influenced or controlled by the same people.
But the one thing in the so-called authorized King Kames Version Bible that has always bothered is the Book of Job, Chapter 1 verse 6 and 7; "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whense comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it" This is the only such reference to this both in the Old and New Testament. "Sons of God?
Now according to Biblical Scholars of the World, every word of the Holy Bible is true because it is the Word of God. If that is so, then Satan was and is on Earth since the Garden. Why would God Almighty, Creator of all things allow darkness to go "to and fro" as it pleases, and why would God create Man in His Image to fall victim to such a force? Was Man created to pacify Satan or to have fellowship with God? Over the years, many Pastors have told me, "well, we can't doubt God's way. I have never accepted that explanation. While I  don't doubt God's way, I have come to witness that the mortal conditions of this world is the World is of Satan.
But I am not worried for in Revelation Chapter 21, verse 1; "And I saw a new heaven and new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea, and as in Isaiah 65:17; For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered , nor come unto mind." Yet, we are constantly reminded to pray for Israel?
Many have heard others and myself speak about being a Hawaiian National. Being such is entirely based upon the International Sovereign Independent recognition of the Hawaiian Nation by King Kamehameha III, Kauike'aouli who did so because he knew how vulnerable his own Allodial Title of His Kingdom was for he fell victim to a renegade British Admiral Lord Geo. Paulet in early 1843, who declared the Hawaiian Sandwich Islands was a territory of England, during the same time that King Kamehameha III had sent his representatives to the United States of America and Europe to be recognized as a equal in the Family of Nations. In 1848, largely due to King Kamehameha III first hand experience of being overthrown, caused him share His Allodial Title with His people via the Great Mahele, which preserved the Hawaiian Nation with its people.
I have attached a report to afford anyone a clearer picture of what is a Hawaiian National and explains conditions pertaining to the Hawaiian Kingdom Nation and its offices of governance. I do not ask anyone to accept these conditions as stated without reservations but I ask that one pay close attention to the referenced two Acts of the U. S. Congress pertaining to the citizens of Hawaii. On page 2, paragraph 5, The U. S. ORGANIC ACT, known also as Territorial Act of April 30, 1900, C339,31 Stat 41, and paragraph 6, The U. S. Congress STATEHOOD ACT OF 1959 (Admissions Act of March 18, 195, Public Law 863, 73 Stat 4). 
The first thing that should come to one's mind, why U. S. Congress Acts, "I am of Hawaiian koko, their laws don't pertain to me"!. Wrong!, they do pertain to you but as a Hawaiian National and that is why it is right up front in their laws to protect them (Congress and the Fake State of Hawaii Legislature) from Fraud and to deceive you, the Hawaiian National. Most Hawaiians deny they are a free Hawaiian National, and want to be known as "Native Hawaiian" and fall right into their net of tyranny.  One's Nationality is one's political status and has no inherent native claim rights which is of ethnicity (blood) unless there are no Ali'I claims. I see most of the A'I'I of yesteryears as being comfortable in bed with the Invader as they are even to this very day but instead of being address as your highness or nobles they are classified as Native Hawaiian U. S. Citizens and as a consequence are consenting to waiver their claims.
Look around you. Maka ala the Kupuna Iwi at the Kawaiaha'o Corporation. A Hawaiian entity selling iwi for thirty pieces of silver like that of Judas? Nothing is hidden! We must not just sit back thinking Obama or Oprah will make things better. We must answer our own kahea!
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936) 

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