To All my fellow Hawaiian Nationals,

       This testimony from Mr. Keoni Agard, along with the Apology Resolution,

WILL be what gets us our Kingdom nation back.  As so many proud Americans

like to carry a pocketbook version of the American Declaration of

Independence and Constitution, maybe as Hawaiian Nationals fighting for the

restoration of our Kingdom, and until our Kingdom is restored, maybe we should

 start carrying the Apology resolution And Mr. Agard's testimony with us.  
       And as a quick sidenote, no matter how terrible we feel the so-called

"Bayonet" Constitution was, it was the last Constitution of the Kingdom.  I

believe when our Kingdom is restored, it will be short-lived because it is

obsolete.  I have no doubt the very first order of business for our restored

Kingdom is a Constitutional Convention to ratify a replacement of the 1887


       I just know that though I was born American, with every passing day it gets

easier and easier to be JUST Hawaiian.  True Americans right the wrongs and

not righting the wrongs, knowing the wrongs are actually there, means you are

complicit in perpetuating the wrongs.  When I first started on my journey into

the Independence movement almost two years ago now, I was a United States

Marine, a successor of the wrong.  I was lucky that I only had a few more

months left, so I could be free from the prison of that life, a prison where my

 very exsistence relied on perpetuating the wrong.  I was rightly disgusted

with the wrong, so I sought to do what was right.  I had to walk a fine line since

if the Marines got a whiff of what I was doing, I wouldn't have been able to do

what I did from the very beginning.  I was lucky to find someone strong with the

Aloha Spirit willing to take me on as his Hanai, given the hewa that surounded me,

BUT that didn't have a hold of my mind.  Pomaikaiokalani Kinney is my Kupuna,

and without him, I feel my experience in the Restoration of our Kingdom

wouldn't be where it is today.  It gets better and better every day for our Nation!

     So in closing, my Fellow Hawaiian Nationals, I wish to say Long Live the

Kingdom of Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani.  She sowed the seeds of the Kingdom's

Restoration.  It is up to us who love Hawaii Nei to restore it.  I certainly wish not to

disappoint My Queen.

Aloha nui loa,
Scott A. Kekapukainohea Coleman

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    Mahalo Nui Loa to Kekapukainohea for his mana'oi'o on the restoration of our government coming from a former U.S. American Marine. God Bless America!
    God Bless Nohea...Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom and Pomaikaiokalani Kinney!
  • That's MY HANAI..............o Pomai
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