PONO ALERT: Hawaiian National Pilipo Speaks!

Aloha kakou e Hawaii au,
Mahalo for another great day in truth at the streets of Kawaiaha'o. So good to have Pu'unani and Soli visiting with us. e kala mai, I had to leave at 10:00 am for another meeting with Iseu Kristo.
Zaki (Aki) asked me when is the next meeting of us Hawaiian Nationals? We all have been tied up with college and the Legislature and  Corporate Kawaiaha'o. There is so much going on, that one would a 40 hour day to attend all those "for the public good" meetings.
This years Legislature is the most Railroading Circus I have ever witnessed. I thought a three-ringed circus was difficult to watch. Try watching a 25 Senate Ring Circus! Most think the Rail is not here yet, believe me the Rail has been here even before the Invader Occupation of Hawaii nei. Railroading of Hawaiian Issues and taxes for all. Obama is the Conductor. Akaka, Inouye, Hirono fund marketing propaganda while Hanabusa is still busy locating the women's toilets in D.C. Abercrombie collects tickets, while Clayton Hee, Malama (Take care of) Solomon and Brickwork Galuteria play Texas-Hold-um in the Club Car to see who wins the next bid for who is going be the next Governor of Hawaii in seven years should  there be anything worthwhile left.
And at the City level, Peter Carisle is hums Glenn Campbell's, "I Am The Only Honest Politician in The County" for I spent 15 years fighting crooks, I know how they think and what they need. While, Nestor Garcia claims "so I lied about the Rail but I am the only Filopina elected to Honolulu City Council who knows what he is doing, and at $60,000 a year part time with the Corporate Rail, he may be the only one telling the truth.
Meanwhile, the newly elected or second term Legislatures are trying to keep the deck chairs on the Titanic (Capitol of the Fake State) from sliding over the side, not realizing the fact that the lower decks are under water and the ship is sinking. But we must give all these newly elected a chance for they are not poisoned yet by the seasoned politicians, and if we do not show up to give oral or written testimony, they will be left in the dark, and soon be overwhelmed by the obsession of being re-elected at all cost, just like their seniors. We people of pono are their only chance to survive in that ocean of deceit and lies where it is awfully deep and cold.
And then there is Rev. Kapulo Kekuna, Corporate CEO of Kawaiaha'o, who claims bones don't count in a culture or of spiritual world, and that bones are only for temporarily hanging flesh so you look good when attending church? The wahines taking care of that one!
Zaki (Aki) wants to share with us what his "Higher Ed" group has been doing on campuses and how we might play a role in. Leon just got back from Geneva past Thursday night and has a lot to share with us. I will out of Hawaii nei from March 31 to April 7. 
I am suggesting that we do a potluck lunch kuka on April 9, 2011 (Saturday) !0:00 AM at Blasidell Park. No agenda (yet) just to kick things around, what was good or bad. We have been part of some positive actions that is getting attention. I will bring ice and the drinks. 
I do not know if I will have readily access to a computer on my trip and don't plan to go looking for one, so I am also suggesting you contact Zaki at zuriaki@gmail.com
Keep it keeping gang, we are making a difference.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)

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