Aloha kakou,
We well know the 2011 Fake State of Hawaii Legislative body is in session. Through my many years visiting this body I have never seen so much chaos as it is in 2011. During my last testimony on February 14, 2011 on SB1520, the brother of SB1 which was on Saturday before on February 12,2011, I disturbingly noticed that Senators were running from one room to another like chickens without their heads. Chair people were late and several times left the very meeting that they were late in the first place. Bills are running concurrent which is a normality but not similar hearings going on the same time at different locations that the public, namely those in opposition can not attend. The Legislators know we are limited in numbers and they know our young college people are usually at classes. 
This is an old tactic but unfortunately it is working for them because we do not have the numbers. Abercrombie is using U. S. Congress strategy of overwhelming the slat of issues as to thin out opposition. Over the past 35 years I have attended numerous  hearings and gave testimony to most that I attended but never I have been so aware that these Committees have all the same look of preapproval to whatever proposals is before them. Maybe I am just getting older but damn if it isn't so. It almost duplicates a Court of Injustice. In these times of fiscal constraints Abercrombie is dictating the agenda. But we must not let up on our constant ku'e. It is utmost we attend in teams or two or three with the same objectives.
In fact, we must increase our presence. It bothers them to see opposition there when they know darn well how they are going to vote. If they had there way, which is not too far off, they would lock the Public out.
Anyway on the February 15, Monday, I again gave written and a verbal testimony  in opposition of SB1520 (Akakanation). I told them if the Committee members and the Public in attendence had knowledge of the Titanic, and that I considered the Fake State Capitol Building like that of the Titanic, or the U.S.S. Akaka. In that it too is sinking, taking in water on the lower floors (decks) but you Legislators don't know it because you are in the First Class upper floors. But very soon you will get wet.
Then I read my written personal testimony which I would like to share with you. Not because of me, but because of all the immigrant families that came to Hawaii in search of a descent life and found aloha of the Hawaiian people. I did that purposely, because all the Committee members were of immigrants origin as well as the audience that was there. I hare with you so that you too can reflect upon your own origin, and remember our beginnings in a part of the world where for most today is still a dream. We must never forget that makana of King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaoulias he bestowed the political sovereignty of Hawaiian Nationals upon all immigrant great and grandparents of us all. It is a gift we can not trade or sell for a pot of gold or thirty pieces of silver or just your signature on a registry. 
We must Ku'e. As free Hawaiian Nationals, of koko or immigration , we have no choice. We have just gained the strongest ally we have ever had, the kupuna Iwi. We can not let them down, for they stood in the Ku'e Petition and are standing right before us waving to us, e komo mai, komo mai.
Mahalo piha to those who could make it to Kawaiahao Corporation. They are not a Church of God. But this is just the beginning. I believe Abercrombie has picked this to be camel's back of Hawaiian Sovereignty for if this desecration is condoned by Kawaiahao and its Congregation and the majority people of Hawaii, so will the Independent Sovereign Hawaiian Nation. Do Hawaiian Nationals of the aina have the will to stand  up? Abercrombie is banking that we will not. Let us make him to continue his lying ways.         
I pray my attached Testimony goes through. E kala mai the length, but I strongly believe it is vital to our very existence as Hawaiian Nationals.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)

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