Reply by Tane 12 hours ago

I cannot in good conscience participate in this comical charade.   Act 195 is a redundant piece of kukae that burns the puka mimi of any decent, intelligent, person of integrity and honor.  This piece of okole hi is the same as a high school student-body government with as much as the same clout.  The redundancy is reflected in OHA, DHHL, State Association of the Hawaiian Civic Club, CNHA, and the U.S. agerncies that help to create the fraud.


Why attempt to control us in their WASP racist U.S.A.  sandbox when we own the entire recreational park including the parking stalls and grounds-equipment?  


One has to be mentally-challenged or brain-washed enough to be com[pliant like sheep to be herded into a tiny sandbox and redefined as the U.S.A. pet animal tethered to remain within that flea-infested sandbox.  This is why my family household will NOT participate or subscribe to this maggot-ridden Act 195 but remain proud Hawaii nationals of the still-existing Kingdom of Hawaii which is still under continuous unlawful, belligerent occupation of the United States of America, the world's racist bully and international criminal terrorist.


The U.S.A. continues to make a mockery of  justice, honor, integrity, democracy, and freedom.  Fuck 'em!

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  • see tane.......thats what makes us different in our generation.....we no back off.....we head on.....face to this illegal know for a fact about Usa and sound just like them.....using hateful words......i heard your sayings...yet thats all it is Circles of Sayings......with NO ACTIONS.....IMUA (move forward).......mauruuru
    • FACE to FACE?  It's more like ASS to ASS with you and Kaohi! 

      No Back Off!  Just Dive In BED in the Illegal System as LuLu BELLS! 

  • Fraud is in every american christian, period.......where have you all been hiding?????? this the kupuna's that will die in silence for the TRUTH of where and what we in our next generation need to do????? kupuna are living in comfort of Usa and yet BASH other kupuna's for speaking up their Truths......give me a break.

    Tane i have respect to your should also honor the sayings of other concerned kupuna's......your generation is still LOST, BLIND, DEAF, and unwise in our generation......stop the BASHING and shine above all others to make it right for my next in ANGER, HATE, CONFUSION is not part of our next generation.....WHERE is the true ALOHA that your TRUE KUPUNA's left with you......what happened?????......why the hateful words of anger......i think the generation above me should ENROLL in ANGER Management......can you provide this for your fellow followers......mauruuru....da princess of maui

    • Give YOU a Break, I'll give YOU a ROPE!

      Tane and I know more then YOU will ever know!  

      FRAUD is FRAUD no matter what you call it or put a Lalbe on it.  

      So, Hele On and enjoy your self EATTING the FAT off of the Abercrombie HEWA Table! 

  • Imua Hawaiian Nationals


  • FRAUD is FRAUD no matter what Lable they put on it....


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