Aloha kakou, he Hawaii au,
Pray this all well and over with all those graduation parties. I have never seen so many graduates in a year.
On July 13, I sent a kahea for a meeting on July 20, (Wednesday) at Blaisdell Park at 5:00 PM to discuss matters for La Ho'I Ho'I Ea Celebration at Thomas Square on July 31, 2011. E kala mai, but that meeting is canceled.
That meeting is rescheduled for July 26 (Tuesday) at 5:00 PM, Blaisdell Park
Please lift Bradah Pomai and Leon in your pule. Pomai is recuperating from cancerous bladder surgery several weeks ago and now needs to adjust to an encumbered condition.
Leon will undergo heart surgery Monday (18th) at 12: 00 Noon. Please pause from whatever you may be doing at 12:00 noon tomorrow (18th) and ask ke Akua for strength and healing for Leon.
La Ho'I Ho'I Ea Celebration is based upon the Restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom Sovereignty on July 31, 1843, when Admiral Thomas of of the British Navy restored King Kamehameha III, Kaui'keaouli as Sovereign of the independent Hawaiian islands. Program starts at 12: 00 Noon to 6::00 PM. We are contemplating of securing signatures for the "updated" Ku'e Petition and will have a booth.
WHERE : Thomas square Park Beretania/ Victoria Streets
WHEN : July 31, 2011 (Sunday) at 12:00 Noon to 6:00 PM
WHY : You one Hawaiian National because of the makana from King Kamehameha III.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)