Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
Today, August 19, is a State Holiday of the Fake State of Hawaii. The third Friday of August has become the "official" Hawaii Admissions Day" while most Hawaiian Nationals know it to be "Hawaiians Omission Day", the day the Hawaiian Nation was officially federally ignored. Due to our vigil the 50th Jubilee Anniversary on August 21, 2009 was somewhat rained-upon by the spiritual presence of our ancestors and our physical being. But don't let today's non-celebration atmosphere fool you for while there may not be a parade, they never stop planning their control of the Hawaiian Nation's resources. On August 21, 2009, thirty of us stood outside the King Street Gate of I'olani Palace as we protested as Hawaiian Nationals in behalf of Queen Liliu'okalani and the ancestors who signed the Ku'e Petition of 1897, for like them before us, we too were omitted because we are, he Hawaii au.  Likewise on December 06, 2010, thirty of us again stood at King Street Gate in protest of the Coronation of King Ambercromie, and again omitted because we are, he Hawaii au.      
For the past 118 years the Hawaiian Nation has been "Omitted" from alleged reality! But who is the cartoon here? He Hawaii au is the main feature! It used to be only the alleged reality was that of certain Missionary families, foreign business interest and the government agents of change of England and the Federal United States. Surely by 118 years of U. S. Military Occupation of Hawaii, all must know by now that American Empire is the same as the British Empire. But since the Hawaiian Homestead Act of 1920, federally pacified Native Hawaiians now sucking the tit of the federal pua'a, have joined in the omission of the very Hawaiian Nation of their origin. Now, in our nearly 119 years of Occupation, Act 195, aka Akaka, has been created to draw the final curtain on the Hawaiian Nation. A'ole!
Black's Law Dictionary (6th) defines "Omission" as, "The neglect to perform what the law requires. The intentional or unintentional failure to act which may or may not impose criminal liability depending upon the existence or not of a duty to act under the circumstances". 
Many factions have done good work. But updated "Constitutions and Cease and Desist Orders" are ignored and go unanswered. They pretend to laugh at us and even incarcerate a few but they fully know what we are! However, for me there are two profound "Documents of Record" that have been filed with the United States Congress that remains a thorn in their okole. The written and recorded protest letter of the overthrow by "Head of State of Queen Liliu'okalani's (1983)" and the "Kue Petition Against Annexation 1987 of 38,000 Hawaiian Nationals of the Hawaiian Nation". Queen Liliu'okalani did all she could as well as the Kupuna of the Ku'e Petition. This is the foundation King Kamehameha the Great as he expounded "a'ole pau"! it is up to us. What do we do? Everything that we need has been done. All we need is to know why we Ku'e and continue to Ku'e. Oni'pa'a!
The next planned Ku'e is to formally  greet the "APEC Convention" in the third week of November. There will be meetings and updates to follow. Also November 28 is Ka La Kuo Koa, Hawaii Independence Day. It falls on a Monday. I for one strongly believe we should respect the actual day of occurrence but some people still get job. As go planning demands, we  will probably observed Ka La Kuo Koa on November 27, Sunday.
We must not forget being a Hawaiian National is a makana of the "Kamehameha" Dynasty. We can only honored by being what it is. We can not trade it or sell it for thirty pieces of silver or bargain for a homestead lot. So he Hawaii au, we may be "omitted" but those before us will never be forgotten! And our day will come, when we too will be not forgotten! So rest up, for we need all thirty of you again, hana hou!. Above all, unlike some who serrve in high office, we can not change our Birthright.
e ku'u mau mau, ku'e ku'e!
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936) 

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