This scam is no different than that of Lorrin Thurston and his Band of
Thieves. In fact within 60 days of the overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani and
good standing government of the Hawaiian Constitutional Monarchy, the
Thurston Gang pulled off the "Perfect Crime" of history with the
International Families recognition of his Provisional Interim Government
(PIG) over the Hawaiian Independent Nation. No good standing Elected
Officials complained, no Appointed Officials of the three branches of
government. Only Queen Liliu'okalani. Why, within a few years hence, they
even got her own ohana to claim Queen Liliu'okalani was mentally unstable, a
polite label for insane.
Queen Liliu'okalani told "her people" to go home and she would take care of
the situation. They did and she didn't. But where are " her people" today?
Certainly, they are not the the minority with the 50% or more koko in their
veins for that blood has been "morphed" into a certified entity labeled
'Native Hawaiian" in any form of spelling. These morphs make up less than 20
% of the Kanaka Maoli population while the majority 80 % of lesser Hawaiian
are being genocide as non-existing.
Our problem today is we have far less than the minority amount of people
doing all the work while the that 80 % majority still honor Queen
Liliu'okalani's request to go home. The Queen said. "go home, not stay
home". We need to monitor the going on's of all entities government or
private who are against Hawaiian Nationals. The foundation of Hawaiian
Nationals is being Sovereign to your Country and to each other. Many of us
go off on a crusade to protest and find themselves standing alone. We
appreciate all endeavors but we must be realistic. We tend to burn our
candle in three places and wonder why the flame goes out so fast. We must
work smarter, not harder. We must be selective in what and where we Ku'e.
It is better to do three or four actions in lokahi than to have fifty in
twenty-five directions. I am not saying to anyone who rather just stand
alone with two or three to stay home but we must identify what we need to do
and coordinate its action. When twenty or more of us stood outside the King
Street Gate to I'olani Palace during the December 06, 2011 Abercrombie
Inauguration we did it for two reasons. First. against the mockery and
desecration to the Ali'I of Hawaii and second, which we had forgotten was on
that very date, December 06, 1852, Hawaiian Nationals were officially
recognized by King Kamehameha III and the Legislature of 1852.
Every Hawaiian Independence faction have their own priorities, and all are
well intended but all fall short. All hit the target but none the Bulls-Eye.
The Bulls-Eye is Lokahi. Its ironic how Hawaiian will come out in the
thousands for a T shirt but not to be a Sovereign Hawaiian National. For me,
I see the November Elections via the Lawful Hawaiian Government as the Lkahi
we need. Elections means coming together. While numbers are impressive,
representation is mandatory. The Registering of Kanaka Maoli and non Kanaka
Maoli like myself in this convention is positive. The only thing that
prevents the Hawaiian Nation to be restored is not the Fraudulent government
entities that oppress us. It is ourselves, and if we don't lokahi now, rest
assured OHA has something for you?
Many of you will not agree with me. Nou ke koho, the choice is yours. Some
of you have inherent rights far above others, and that is your inherent
right via your ohana. But all of us have one common denominator, we are by
the Grace of God and the goodness of Kauikeaouli, King Kamehameha III, all
Hawaiian Nationals to this aina., and no one but yourself can terminate
that. The only thing that the Invader fears is the lokahi of Hawaiian
Mahalo piha for all that you and your ohana are doing on your moku. Forgive
us Oahuans for not leading better.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)
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