Aloha Mark:




Mark, I am hopefully your friend, not your enemy.  Please excuse me Mark, but I find your language to be a bit unacceptable and publicly showing your frustration, anger and prejudice is not the answer.


I do not believe I have met you, but your questions regarding APEC and “…native hawaiian people…” demands a response in truth.  Before dealing with APEC, Hawaiians have to look at themselves to find where their rights are.  If you do not know where your rights are, you have already lost.  The Monarchy and Kingdom did not look at color of skin or blood quantum as justification for citizenship… they looked at whether or not you were a Hawaiian “national” born to the aina (One born with the boundaries of a Country called Ko Hawaii Pae Aina) or one acceptable for Hawaiian citizenship, from whatever country.  Hawaii was a “neutral country” and a refuge for those fleeing bondage or slavery from other countries.  That is a fact affirming that Ko Hawaii Pae Aina did not discriminate on account of race, color or blood quantum.


First of all, under U.S. law and STATE OF HAWAII Statutes, “native Hawaiians” are considered aboriginals without birth rights, they being possessions of the U.S. Government because the U.S. Congress (1920 Homestead Act for Hawaii) created that term and “citizenship status” which is outside of Kingdom law and right.  Secondly, the term and citizenship “status” as “U.S. citizens” (which many Hawaiians in ignorance claim to be) is also a creation of the U.S. Congress for Emancipated Black Slaves under the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  If Hawaiians want to be U.S. “citizens” and “Taxpayers” (the government Office held by “U.S. citizens” as designated by the U.S. Congress), i.e. being fiction Officials of Government, they automatically lose because they are owned and controlled by the corporate structure that created their title and fictitious, lesser citizenship “status” (a Capitis Diminutio entity).


Let me be much clearer.  When an individual child is born, it has birth rights.  Those rights under Hawaiian Kingdom law are the same as under United States law and include the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  Under that properly spelled birth name (NOT THE ALL CAPITALIZED NAME or one NAME CAPITALIZED) the rights that belong to that child are many, some being: right to vote, right to assemble, right to worship, right to travel, right to Habeas corpus, right to a Trial by Jury (common-law), right to a Jury of Peers (by People who know your character and of equal status in the area), right to bear arms, etc.  The STATE OF HAWAII has always discriminated against Hawaiian “Nationals” and has denied them the right to vote in any of their elections.  They only permit their own government creations the right to vote…. Check the fine print in the Registration to Vote Form.  Hawaiians do not have right in the de facto STATE OF HAWAII or U.S. systems, even on their own aina.  That is why they lose all their court cases; it comes down to citizenship and jurisdiction.


The ALL CAPITALIZED NAME, or one name BEING CAPITALIZED, changes the lawful citizenship status of the individual claiming that fictitious and corporate government created name.  The ALL CAPITALIZED NAME, or one name BEING CAPITALIZED, represents a corporate person OWNED BY THE U.S. Government, NOT BY YOU!  Your birth name is in the proper English-language written and printed in the same manner as your signature (Your “Seal”).  Unfortunately, when individuals honor the fiction name, they waive their birth rights by “implied consent”, creating what is considered to be an “implied contract” on the basis of ignorance (lack of knowledge of the law).  Remember, the courts and attorneys will always tell you, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse!”   Unfortunately, the educational system (controlled by the STATE OF HAWAII and U.S. Government), courts and attorneys hide this truth from the common-folk and populace for their own benefit for power, prestige and monetary gain.  This is a deliberate abuse of the educational and justice systems by politicians in power who know the truth.


SOLUTION:  Hawaiians need to come home!  They need to apply for proper name citizenship documents under their own laws which are still and always have been alive.  Once Hawaiians come home to their own birth names and birth rights on their own land, they have power of their own laws against those that do evil things on their aina.   


I have had the pleasure of helping win several court cases in behalf of Hawaiian “Nationals” (not “native Hawaiians” or “U.S. citizens” of Hawaiian ethnic citizenship “status”).  Three of those cases are: STATE OF HAWAII Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) being DLNR Case No. MA-09-03, and U.S. District Court for the Honolulu District, Miscellaneous Filing No. MC 09 00270 JMS/BMK, a case dealing with Hawaiian “nationals” and Hawaiian cultural rights;  STATE OF HAWAII 1st Circuit Court Case No. CR. 10-0779 / CIVIL No. 10-1-1207-06, of Hawaiian “national” charged with “attempted murder”;  and most recently on June 17, 2011, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Hawaii District, Case No. 10-01188 (Chapter 7) wherein the court and a U.S. Trustee in bankruptcy were trying to steal Hawaiian “Crown Patent land” held in trust under Konohiki rights while court, et al, supported fraudulent Hawaiian land claim placing aina into bankruptcy court not owned by the bankrupt party, Waiehu Aina, LLC, on the Island of Maui, a criminal act.


                What I am trying to say, is that Hawaiians do have rights, but only under their lawful, properly spelled (in upper and lower case letters) birth name and Hawaiian National laws.   Hawaiians, after filing a Declaration re-claiming their birthrights with the following government, as permitted by the U.S. Congress created 1959 Statehood Act for Hawaii, Section 19, can obtain Hawaiian “National” Identification Cards.  If Hawaiians want to identify themselves as Hawaiians, they cannot use foreign I.D. cards or documents, but those issued by Ke Aupuni o Hawaii, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, H.I., re-activated by law under the Supreme Court for the Hawaiian Islands which was re-activated in 1996.


I am attaching the forms (4 sets) for Hawaiians who desire to claim their own birth rights back by declaration and rightful claim as Hawaiian “nationals” born to the aina under the de jure laws of this Hawaiian National Government.  Should you have questions, please write to:


                                                                                Ke Aupuni o Hawaii

                                                                                Ko Hawaii Pae Aina

                                                                                General delivery (Box 62107)

                                                                                Manoa Station, Island of Oahu

                                                                                Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, H.I.


As time permits, response will be made by the proper Official under lawful Hawaiian Kingdom National Government oath of Office.



With all due respect and with Aloha,


In Christ Jesus,


Aran Alton Ardaiz



From: mark []
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:23 AM
To: lcruz; kaleimailealii;
Cc: Alex M Luka; Alika Silva; Amelia Gora; Aran Alton Ardaiz; Aulani Furtado; Baron Ching; Bill aMONA; Brandi hyden; Brennan Takayama; Dayna @ CDS; dayna beyer; derek; Donna Burns; Donna Carnvel; Evern Williams; Francis PK Gora; Gaellen Quinn; George Williams; Gerry Michaud; Henry Curtis;; jaskat; Joan Conrow; Joe(Kaonabo)/Eve Garcia; kahiapo; Kaleo Farias; Kamakani Souza; kamuela vance; kauahi; KeAloha Aiu; kelii ioane; Keoki Flores; keoki sousa; kimo turner; kioni dudley; Kuhio Vogeler; Law Fulness; Leon Siu; Lopaka Oliveria; Mikahala Roy;; Panos Prevedouros; piilani Kaopuiki;; pono kealoha;; Solomon Silva; Tom Lenchanko; Tony Berrien; Tony Castanha; Z Aki; to Adam Kaai; Ana; Andrea; andy sexton; Anne Lee; arnie; Clare Apana; David Ma; Dawn Wasson; Dee Texidor; Dex; DMZ; Ehu; Eiko; Eric Po'ohina; Evern; Hanalei; Herman, Douglas; Hina;; Hoku Wilson wilson; Hui_Pu; Ikaika Hussey; Jon Osorio; Kaile Choi; Kai Markell; Kaiopua Fyfe; Kaohi; Katie Kamelamela; Kawehi; kealaula McNeil; Keeaumoku Kapu; kelii collier; Ku Kahakalau; Laulani; leimomi Khan; Marti Townsend; Pilipo; Poka Laenui; Laurel Douglass
Subject: why is it...???


with all this big talk about APEC and all. why is it that the 100% native hawaiian people of ni'ihau have not had input into the process? i have noticed that the 100% Hawaii blood quantum folks (those who are actually almost black in skin color) have not had ANY representation in any of this statehood vs sovereignty, questionably. why are the almost "hapa all-white folks" excluding the almost "all-black people"? get mad if ya want to...but before you do ./..answer my questions! i want a KING and Queen. i want them to look like The Great King and The Great Queen! i don't trust white people or any that want to be white. fuck dis shit! it's time somebody said something about the hypocrisy of blood quantum and how everybody wanna just dodge the question. when the native hawaiians of ni'ihau came to the convention center last summer. they were totally ignored by the "activists"!! i saw outward signs of racism. i hate that shit! tell me what we gonna do about restoring the full-blooded, then i will go to prison a happy man, protesting and demanding like a true brother of the cause. viva la freedom!!!

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