Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila
                                                    Saturday, August 6, 2011 
                                                          lOAM to 6PM

                                             IMUA HAWAIIAN NATIONALS    

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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,


    "Will we allow this occupation of Hawai‘i to continue without a mass demonstration?"

    "When is that day when we express our resolve?"


    If not NOW, When?

    o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993


    • Hi Pomai............more info......aloha:  No Admission - yet, a Fundraiser......... 


      Please join us, August 6, 2011 for the 4th Annual Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila!

      Help us raise $1,000,000 for the Hawaiian Museum of Music & Dance

      The Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila supports the efforts to establish a museum and performance center for Hawaiian music and hula. To this end, we have committed to donate $1 from each t-shirt sold. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000. So, your t-shirt purchase not only ensures the continuation of this annual festival in Waimanalo it also supports making a major contribution to the perpetuation of Hawai‘i’s musical heritage and helps to honor those who have contributed to Hawai‘i’s unique musical voice.

      Purchase your 2011 collectable t-shirt andhelp us reach this goal at:




      • Mahalo nui, e Amelia, 

             Your Post is the First of the Event that I've seen!  

             I Posted mine cause I wanted to get the information out there as soon as possible. 

        Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomai

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