ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
There is no need to "create a dynamic new nation" when all we have to do is to go home to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Hawaiian Nationals don't need a new nation. Like, the New Hawaiian Kingdom. The New Deal! The New Nation with New Laws!
Since January 16, 1893 the Hawaiian Kingdom nation have been occupied by the Military Forces of the United States!
I went home to my nation when I renounced my citizenship to the United States on January 17, 1993.
Every actions that the United States taken to better the conditions of native Hawaiians has failed!
The United States like all Great Empires of the past is failing its own people!
Like the Titanic, the United States, the State of Hawaii, the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs are all Sinking!
Plus, The Sky is Falling!
FREE HAWAII and STOP THE RAIL!, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993