PONO ALERT: 'Ehu Kekahu Cardwell OPPOSE HB 1627



P.O. Box 1878 • Lihu‘e Kaua‘i • Hawai‘I 96766

Phone: 808-822-7643


February 5, 2011

Aloha Chair Faye Hanohano,

Vice Chair Chris Lee

And members of the House Hawaiian Affairs Committee

The Koani Foundation submits this testimony in OPPOSITION to HB 1627 on the

general principle that it does not address the real issue of the theft of the Hawaiian

nation and the injuries that stem from that theft.

We also find the bill has numerous inaccuracies, inconsistencies and plain mistakes

making it impossible to imagine how this could seriously provide any remedy. These

flaws stem from a portrayal of history that leave out crucial information about who has

title and jurisdiction.

The “findings” section of the bill leaves a gaping 33-year hole, apparently to avoid

mentioning the illegal processes used by the United States to capture the Hawaiian

Islands. The “findings” section leaves out these important events:

1. The 1893 usurpation (“overthrow”) of the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom through acts

of high treason and sedition by insurgents calling themselves the “Committee of

Safety” who set up an illegal “provisional government” for the Hawaiian Kingdom;

2. The 1893 successful protest lodged by Queen Lili’uokalani resulting in President

Cleveland halting the process of U.S. annexation of Hawaii (from the provisional


3. The 1893 findings of the Blount Report resulting in U.S. President Cleveland’s

address to Congress admitting that the U.S. had shamefully and unlawfully

committed an unauthorized act of war against a friendly nation.

4. The 1893 settlement between U.S. President Cleveland and Queen Lili’uokalani

that the president would facilitate the return of the Hawaiian Kingdom

government to its proper, lawful status.

5. The 1894 refusal by the insurgent traitors to return the government of the

Hawaiian Kingdom and their defiant response in self-proclaiming a fraudulent

replacement government, the “Republic of Hawaii.”

6. The 1897 second failed attempt at annexation of Hawaii by the U.S., thwarted by

protests and lobbying by the Queen and by the “Monster Petition” (Ku‘e Petition)

with signatures of 90% of the people of Hawaii in opposition to annexation.

7. The 1898 fraudulent (treaty-less) “annexation” of Hawaii through a “joint

resolution” of Congress executed in collusion with the unlawful “Republic of

Hawaii.” In essence, the U.S. used an illegal instrument (joint-resolution) to have

the illegal Republic of Hawaii, “cede” its non-existent political authority and land

titles to the U.S. In reality the whole annexation transaction was a farce; two

thieves dividing up the stolen loot. Nothing was “ceded” or transferred. Thus, all

political authority and title to the lands of the Hawaiian Islands, to this day, still

reside with the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom government and its people.

8. The 1959 “admission as a state” was just another contrived pretense to conceal

the fraud.

It boils down to this: You cannot “cede” lands you do not own. You cannot transfer

jurisdiction you do not have. Therefore, the “State of Hawaii,” having no lawful lands or

jurisdiction, cannot go forward with this Akaka-like, “Native Hawaiian government

Reorganization” scheme proposed by HB 1627.

Mahalo nui loa,

‘Ehu Kekahu Cardwell


The Koani Foundation

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