Council Defers Decision On Fireworks Ban

By Gordon Y.K. Pang

POSTED: 08:18 a.m. HST, Aug 18, 2010

A bill banning fireworks on Oahu was deferred today by the City Council after more than two hours of debate.

A final vote is now scheduled for the council's September meeting.

The proposal would have banned all fireworks, but allowed special-use permits to be issued for firecrackers only, and only for special events. Up to 5,000 firecrackers would be purchased with a $25 permit.

Supporters of the bill said both legal and illegal fireworks have gotten out of control and creates too much of a health and fire hazard. Both the police and fire departments have pushed staunchly for the ban, as has the American Lung Association.

But opponents said the bill is an overreaction to illegal aerials, and that otherwise law-abiding citizens will be forced underground to practice religious and cultural practices. Leaders of several Chinese community organizations testified against the bill. Opponents believe the exceptions allowed through a use permit don't go far enough because the bill specifically bars use of firecrackers on the Fourth of July and New Year's Eve holidays.


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    • ROTFL....... PRICELESS!
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