Committee of Hawaiian Nationals
Ku'e Action at State Legislature

Aloha kakou,

Today was another day of victory for the Committee of Hawaiian Nationals and for all who labor on to Free Hawaii from the bondage of U.S. domination.

As thousands gathered at the State Capitol for the opening of the legislative 2011 session of the “State of Hawaii,” a small group of us were there to remind them that theirs is actually a “State of Hewa.”

At 9 AM we gathered at the statue of our Queen Liliuokalani to pay our respects. Our presence with Hawaiian flags, FREE HAWAII signs and FREE HAWAII t-shirts, plus the frequent blowing of the conch, drew a lot of attention. Most of the people coming for the legislature’s opening ceremonies had to pass by us. Several media crews stopped to take pictures and gather interviews. And of course our ever-present chronicler, Pono Kealoha was there with his cameras. (By the time you get this, he will have already posted a clip on YouTube)

During the opening ceremonies we moved into the rotunda and deliberately stood against the tall glass windows of the House Chambers so that all those inside could see our flags/banners. While the governor, the LG, the 51 representatives and 25 senators were all occupied with the opening ceremonies, played Santa and took the opportunity to deliver information packets to their offices. The packets consisted of a white envelope with a colorful sticker saying, “Welcome to the Hawaiian Kingdom” (see attached jpeg); a cover letter (see attached pdf) and the 12-page booklet, “The Basis for the Restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom.” We made cheerful chit-chat with the staff in their offices and who said they’d make sure their “bosses” got to see (and hopefully read) the packets.

With that mission accomplished, we went back to the rotunda and held our signs where everybody exiting the chambers could see us. We talked to a lot of people, did a few more media interviews and generally had a very up-beat time.

We expect that the information packet will grab their attention, particularly with the morphed “50th state anniversary” into the Kingdom of Hawaii bicentennial logo, the provocative content of the cover letter and the matter-of-fact presentation of the booklet.

The first paragraph of the letter states:

The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals wish to remind you, the elected officials of the so-called “State of Hawaii,” that the serious violations, injustices and outright piracy committed over the past 118 years by the U.S. against the people of Hawaii and our nation will soon be coming to an end.  As a courtesy, we suggest you make plans for the near future to vacate your positions as public servants in the current puppet government, the “State of Hawaii,” and consider serving under the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom as it returns.

Hopefully we will have provoked enough interest to begin some frank dialog with state elected officials. We’ll let you know as things develop.

The next big action (by the Hawaii Independence Action Alliance) is the Ku’e signs display at the McKinley Statue on Presidents Day, February 21.

At the MLK Day rally at Kapiolani Park, Hawaii Imiloa, a UH student club launched a project called the Hawaiian Independence Survey to develop an idea of how people felt about restoring Hawaii as an independent nation. The survey will be taken over the internet, events, malls, shopping areas and even door-to-door. Besides collecting data, we hope that by just asking the question(s) people will begin to entertain the possibility Hawaii as an independent build a national awareness; a national consciousness and from that, a national consensus. You’ll hear more of this in the very near future.

There are some other very exciting resistance actions being planned to directly challenge the jurisdiction and authority of the state and US. We will be asking for your input and participation to get these actions happening.

Malama pono,

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  • Aloha and Mahalo Nui Loa from Kaua'i.
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