The Coming "Public Actions" for the Committee of Hawaian National for January 2011.
January 16, 2011 - Sunday. 118 years of Invasion of the Hawaiian Nation.
9:00 AM Meet at Beretania Street fronting Fake State Capitol
10:30 AM Assemble before at Queen Liliu'okalani,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
This is a great opportunity to present oneself as a proud Hawaii national, citizen and subject of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Be there to commemorate that part of history that violates our rights as subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom and witness the observation of that fateful day that the U.S. usurped our nation-state's jurisdiction. Let them know we still exist despite their mythical declaration.
If you are proud to stand for justice, truth and patriotism, be there.
ALOHA Mai, e Tane,
Hauoli Makahiki Hou ia oe. Like the "Sacred Sea" we are on our mission to FREE HAWAII. I see you there if not at the Ahu.
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
January 16th is the anniversary of the "Day of Infamy" in the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom. It is on January 16, 1893 when United States thru an "Act of War" Invaded and Occupied with its Military Forces the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani.
Since that "Day of Infamy" United States has never removed its military from its Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. United States continues to Occupies Hawaii as a Military Force!
A Military Force that control Hawaiian Nationals from living in their own Kingdom. A Military Force that perpetuates its Occupation of Hawaii.
After 118 years of being under the Military Occupation of the United States, Hawaiian Nationals today are beginning are on a mission to work together to FREE HAWAII.
FREE HAWAII from the HEWA of the United States' Military Occupation of Hawaii.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Nationals Royalist 1993