9:00 AM Meet at Beretania Street fronting Fake State Capitol
10:30 AM Assemble before at Queen Liliu'okalani
January 17, 2011 - Monday Dr. King Day MLK Parade
6:30 - 7:30 AM Set-up at Queen Kapiolani Park / make pono
Check with Pomai Kinney / Display must be ready by 9:00 AM
Please bring your own chair to sit. I will have a few.
8:00 AM Marchers to meet at Magic Island / Check with Pilipo / Park your vehicles at Magic Island
Set up banners/signs
Wear good walking shoes/ FREE HAWAII T shirts
9:00 AM Parade begins
Parade route Ala Moana Blvd. to Kalakaua Ave. to Queen Kapiolani Park.
Parade should end by 11:00 AM
Pilipo to shuttle marchers back to Magic Island to pick-up their vehicles.
3:00 PM Pau. Break down. Pule Kakou / Move out!
January 19, 2011 - Wednesday Meet the Legislature
8:00 AM Meet at Punchbowl Street side walkway to the Queen / make pono Set up banners/ signs
9:00 AM Walk to Queen Liliu'okalani
Mahalo piha,
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
January 2011 is a very busy month for Hawaiian Naionals. Beginning with January 16 being our annual day that we begin our "Public Actions" to follow thru out the year of 2011.
January 16 is our "Day of Infamy" in the history of our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom of Queen Liliuokalani. We will begin our KUE on Beretania Street fronting the Fake State Capitol.
The history of January 16, the "Day of Infamy" needs to be told loud and clear. That on January 16, 1893 the United States thru an "Act of War" Invaded and Occupied our nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
All actions that followed January 16, 1893 like the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom is a Lie. A Big Lie that United States has told for far too long. Just as there was No Annexation, No Ceded of Lands to the United States, there was No Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Hawaiian Kingdom nation still lives. Lives in every Hawaiian National that believes in the mission of the Committee of Hawaiian Nationals to FREE HAWAII.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993