Aloha kakou,
Mahalo piha for your dedication and commitment to your Nation. Most people
of Hawaii have no idea what this means. Most are too busy trying to look
busy. The political void of Hawaiians can be compared to proposed Land Fill
Designations , "anywhere but not in my backyard" As you stood at the King
Street gate on December 06, 2011 you saw those faces. To me they all looked
alike, almost exactly to the lyrics of "MIdnight Cowboy", they had only
shadows in their eyes usually a by product of guilt.. You have stood where
most will not dare thread.
And while the thousands of people lined the sidewalk to enter I'olani
Palace, our kupuna and the 38,000 signatories of the Ku'e Petition applauded
you, and echoed the kahea , hana hou!
And hana hou we will, starting on January 16 at the Ahu o Pu'okaina. For us as Hawaiian Nationals January 16, 1893 is a very significant date., for it is the date that the Hawaiian
Nation was invaded by a foreign nation,. January 17, 1893 the Hawaiian
Nations was overtaken by a treasonous faction lead by a handful of
businessmen who shared one thing in common, they were all citizens of the
Hawaiian Nation as well as foreign citizenship.
As Hawaiian Nationals we must focus on dates that have directly negated our BirthRight as a Hawaiian National., and we have aided and abetted our demise by "implied consent"
better known as silence. Unfortunately, at this juncture time does not allow
us to address this denial in the proper lawful venue but we will in the
immediate future. Our response must cover all bases.
Will be meeting on January 08, 2011 at 10:00 AM at Blaisdell Park to
finalize our participation in the events of January, 16, , 17 and 19, 2011.
The bottom line of Dr. King's legacy is freedom. As Hawaiian Nationals we are being deprived of our "Right to our Nationality" by an entity that invaded (January 16) and then aided and abetted the termination our lawful governance with a "legal" entity under International Law, under the provisions of known as "Lawful War"
Our meeting should be less than 2 hours. No potluck this time, just come
and then go.
Aloha is God,