Aloha kakou,
This is a kahea to the Committee of Hawaiian Nationals to komo mai kukakuka at Blaisdell Park on December 18, Saturday at 10:00 am. We had to meet on a very short notice on December 3 (Friday) because we had no choice in the pressing timetable of the Coronation. With less than 25 people of truth, we did it As we know any Friday at 5:00 PM is a bad enough on any normal traffic day and is worst during the holidays season. I pray you all are in agreement with my suggestion to meet this time on December 18 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM.
After this weekend we will be one week away from Christmas and New Year. But we can not wait to the first week of January 2011 to plan, We must be ready bye the first week of January for we have a full plate. If we meet before at least we will better organized for events of January 16, 17 and 18th. The Invader is expecting us, lets not disappoint them. 
The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals will be discussing the following dates and tentative events:
Tentative Events:
Sunday - January 16, 1893  -- Invasion by fully armed 160 U. S. Marines on the front gate entrance of I'olani Palace. January 16th , 2011  -- Invaders 118 years later,  still here.
                                                  We should plan a Memorial event for Queen Lili'uokalani at Ahu / I'olani Palace with other factions or oureelves
Monday - January 17, 2011 - Martin Luther King Day (Fake State Holiday)
                                                 March in "MLK Freedom Parade"  Oahu - Parade terminates at Kapiolani Park. Set up Tent and Kahumoku's Queen Lili'uokalani Dosplay. Banners, flags and handouts.
                                                 All Hawaiian Independence factions on each moku should participate in their local MLK Freedom Parade as Free Independent Hawaiian Nation
Wednesday- January 19, 2011  Ho'okupu / Ho'o maika'I  Queen Lili'uokalani and Kupuna Ku'e Petition at Queen Lili'uokalani Statue.    
                                                     We need 1,000 Hawaiian Nationals to carry 1,000 Kupuna Ku'e Petition Signs / Makahiki Banners/ Signs  
Thought of the moment: "What Braddah Iz 's music has done for the World, Hawaiian Nationals must do for each other".
Those of you not on net, please call Pilipo at 358-6428. If can, lets do a potluck lunch. I will bring cooler and iced water. Hiki no, December 18, 2010 /10:00 AM Blaisdell Park - Be There!


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  • I"ll see you folks there.  Imua ka EA!


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