Candidate Criticizes Own Party For Disqualification Move

POSTED: 10:28 p.m. HST, Aug 13, 2010

A state Senate candidate on Friday compared the Hawaii Democratic Party to the Nazi Party for trying to disqualify three other candidates from the Sept. 18 primary election.

The candidates — Daniel Davidson, Kaleo Farias and Jason Pascua — joined the Democratic Party shortly before the candidate filing deadline in late July. The party requires candidates be Democrats in good standing for a minimum of 60 days before filing for political office.

Eric Marshall, state Senate candidate for District 10, on Friday sent an e-mail saying,

“It is (a) sad day for Democracy when law abiding citizens are having their civil rights stripped from them by political manipulation of an organization’s rules. Clearly it sends the signal that the Old boy network will even turn on its own party in order to protect its special interests and the establishment.

“This type of tyranny is more like something Hilter would do to keep the Nazi Party in control of Germany back in the 1930.”


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