Aloha is the process. Pono is the absolute. These Islands have but one task to fulfill. Show the world what ALOHA is. KOKO has nothing to do with being a Hawaiian National. The Feds initiated the blood quantum "Native Hawaiian" label back in the 40's. Thus accomplishing the colonizing task of "divide the people" The lawful Kingdom existed of "ALL OF OUR KUPUNA" who were of Hawaiian, hapa, and non-koko race. Your were a "Hawaiian by citizeship. I think the future leadership of the Hawaiian Nation has less to do with Genealogy, and more to do with who, or what group will revive the mana'o of our Queen. The truth (pono) is, we are legally still in tact. The reality is, I believe, Aloha is the process to perpetuate that. Let the truth open doors for us, Let the truth remove obstacles in front of us. Let us humbly receive the baton she passed to us and continue her legacy.
Pomaika'i na mea apau and all will be blessed....
Kamaha'o Ke Akua Kahu Kawika Kahiapo
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Watch out for the Missionary types.....they were conspirators/treasonous persons....... many perpetuate the crimes of their ancestors...........these people remain the MERCENARIES AGAINST our Families who HAVE GENEALOGIES............auwe..............
anyone can call themselves a Kahu............not everyone can say they have the BLOODLINES of the Royal Families!
This is a repeat of What a Hawaiian Government is made up of..................educate yourselves, and be careful of the Missionary/MERCENARIES ........................know your history..............
Explanation of the Hawaiian Government given in HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1863 Volume II in Rex vs. Booth
Read this Over and Over again, the Part about what the Hawaiian Government is.......the two (2) permanent bodies - Sovereign; and House of Nobles; and the last part which can vote and that third part is the House of Representatives............doesn't that mean that the entity State is operating on 1/3 function...........totally illegal.........this is ON RECORD! Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants!
once again, be wary of those Missionary/Mercenaries......many are documented as conspirators/ treasonous persons against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893............
Watch, Look, Listen, then action - EXPOSE them for who they really are, also know that diversions exist too! min - Sep 28, 2008 - Uploaded by AppleCherryBomb The image I used throughout this video is the Hawaiian flag upside-down. It is because it means "nation in distress". It is used through out the ...
p.s. where are you good people who know better?..............dare you say that this Kahu is a documented conspirator, treasonous person..........hmmmm..........
Queen Liliuokalani's Families exist......................
Everyone -
Watch out for the Missionary types.....they were conspirators/treasonous persons....... many perpetuate the crimes of their ancestors...........these people remain the MERCENARIES AGAINST our Families who HAVE GENEALOGIES............auwe..............
anyone can call themselves a Kahu............not everyone can say they have the BLOODLINES of the Royal Families!
This is a repeat of What a Hawaiian Government is made up of..................educate yourselves, and be careful of the Missionary/MERCENARIES ........................know your history..............
Read this Over and Over again, the Part about what the Hawaiian Government is.......the two (2) permanent bodies - Sovereign; and House of Nobles; and the last part which can vote and that third part is the House of Representatives............doesn't that mean that the entity State is operating on 1/3 function...........totally illegal.........this is ON RECORD! Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants!
Mana Kaleilani Caceres - Couldn't Take The Mana - YouTube
The image I used throughout this video is the Hawaiian flag upside-down. It is because it means "nation in distress". It is used through out the ...
p.s. where are you good people who know better?..............dare you say that this Kahu is a documented conspirator, treasonous person..........hmmmm..........