Now that many are beginning to understand clearing the actions of Abercromie as a GOOD LuLu BELL, Kaohi needs to defend her Haoli Boy Governor!
As Abercrombie prepares to sign the RACIST native Hawaiian BILL, Senate Bill 1520 into law on July 6th at Washington Place!
Earlier Abercrombie signed another Bill into law that ILLEGALLY allows the FAKE State to Sell Off National Lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii in FEE SIMPLE!
Many native Hawaiians are in support of Abercrombie and his HEWA Actions on the National Lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Hawaiian Nationals should and must KUE the HEWA Actions of Abercrombie and his LuLu BELL Traitors!
Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaiian, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993