
SENATE BILL 1 (SB1) (An Akaka Bill variant)
Even after strong testimonies opposing SB1 (mahalo nui to Poka Laenui and Lela Hubbard) the Senate Judiciary and Ways and Means committees went ahead and PASSED it without even blinking.  

One of the two who voted NO was Senator Sam Slom, who pointed out that the bill had not been vetted properly in the community. Consequently there has been virtually no input from the public. He said the state was in essence dictating a solution without even asking the people first what they thought was needed. He also said the state couldn’t afford to go chasing down this road like OHA had done in squandering millions of dollars over ten years to support the ill-fated, inherently flawed Akaka bill in Congress.

Immediately after passing SB1, WAM rubber stamped another egregious Akaka clone, SB1520. The votes in WAM were as follows.

The bills now go to the full Senate for a vote. Assuming they will be rubber-stamped, it will then cross over to the House for consideration. We need to turn out in huge numbers to oppose these bills.


After all these years of mounting a protracted campaign in opposition to the Akaka bill when it was 5,000 miles away in the US congress, why have we become strangely silent now that the bill is here in our face at the fake state legislature. What’s up with that? This is what we’ve been waiting for, this is our opportunity to strike back... Now that it is here in Hawaii, let’s rally and knock this Akaka clone out of the ballpark! WE CAN DO THIS! KU’E!

Prepare your testimonies now. Be ready to send them in at a moment’s notice... and then be there at the hearings to present them in person. The legislators need to experience the staunch opposition to these bills.

Just so you know, here are brief descriptions of these bills:

Establishes a nine-member Native Hawaiian roll commission to prepare and maintain a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians; requires the commission, after publication of the roll, to appoint an interim council of nine members from the roll to commence the organization of a convention of qualified Native Hawaiians; requires the governor to dissolve the commission after the interim council is appointed; appropriates unspecified funds.  This sets up “Native Hawaiian” corporations to manage.

Establishes a nine-member commission to prepare, maintain, and certify a roll of qualified Native Hawaiian constituents; establishes requirements and procedures for preparation of the roll; establishes a process of recognition and ratification of governing documents and an interim first nation governing council; authorizes adoption of rules; appropriates unspecified funds for expenditure by the office of Hawaiian affairs.  This one is very similar to SB1.

There is another Akaka bill variant in the House waiting for a hearing by the House Finance Committee. That bill is:

Establishes procedures for state recognition of a first nation government.
This one is very similar to the Akaka bill.

Please, let’s all monitor the situation and sound the alarms to rally the troops when necessary.

Malama pono,

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Most people don't realize that this replica Akaka Bill is deadly to our status and interests.  It's deciding for us our self-determination and accepting our inherent rights as dictated by the State legislature.  It's saying that we are incapable of governing ourselves and what we never relinquished; we now do and give it to the alleged State of Hawaii,  U.S. entity. 


    I was always disappointed in my parents generation for not standing up against the U.S. and getting 9our country back and the U.S. de-occupying our country.  Unfortunately, they have left that task for us to do and pursue what our kupuna fought against.   


    Keep in mind that we have ohana that don't have computers and are out of the loop.  Please contact them of all the issues that directly affect us and and urge them to respond to the issues and let them contact their representatives and how to testify or send in their testimony, especially if they can't attend the hearings. 


    Help keep them in the loop and encourage them to participate whether to oppose or support the issues.  We don't want our mo'opuna to curse us for our inactivity or indifference to preserve our rights which will affect them.  We must live up to our kuleana.


    • Aloha kaua e Tane.


      I just bought my parents a used laptop so that they can finally come online and at least read some of the documents online. I bought another laptop for another kanaka too. That way they can at least read some of the documents that are available online.


      BTW I read your testimony too. It's on Page 18 of 22. Mine is on Page 20 of 22







    Aloha kaua Pomai. I noticed your comment LOL


    Yeah it is dangerous. SB1 would strip ali'i of their property rights



    Senators Ige, Kidani, Dela Cruz, English, Kahele, Kim, Kouchi, Ryan, and JILL Tokuda all voted to strip ali'i of their property rights while Republican Sam Slom voted against it.


    E malama pono!


    • ALOHA Kaua, e Ululani, 

           Right now I'm putting all my energy to Save the Iwi at Kawaiahao.   I have some Health Problems that I need to take care of that take all my energy! 

           We need to Stop Neil and His LuLu BELLS!   They are so HEWA and all around us.  Even at Kawaiahao


           FREE HAWII, o Pomai

  • Beware of Neil and His LuLu BELLS!  

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