Had the authors and advocates of the Akaka bill, which by the way was amended over 12 times in the past 10 years, held public hearings on all islands throughout Hawai`i, opposition from the majority of the people rather than support from just the few like the Office of Hawaii Affairs, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, State Council of Hawaiian Homes Associations, and Association of Hawaii Civic Clubs, would clearly and definitively have been expressed for the record.

The reason the Akaka Bill didn't pass the 111th Congress is because all the people doing the talking in Washington DC were not talking to the people on all the Islands in Hawai`i. They were all talking to themselves!

Make no mistake, the Akaka Bill is nothing more than another corporate swindle by the US.

As long as there are those who will continue to abuse their authority and take advantage of innocent, decent and hard working people I will oppose such predatory-sinister bills in the guise such as the Akaka Bill.

Foster Ampong

Wailuku, Maui

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  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

         I too will oppose such predatory-sinister bills in the guise such as the AKaKa BILL as a Hawaiian National.

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993


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